Remynse Elementary Behavior Matrix

Hallway/Line Cafeteria Playground Bus Restroom Dismissal Assembly
Be Ready Walk to the right on the blue line

Arms by your side/behind your back

Voices off

Eyes forward

Know your lunch number

Follow directions and move through lines as asked

Walk safely

Use equipment properly

Practice good sportsmanship

Line up quickly and quietly

Listen carefully and follow directions Carry a pass

Use assigned restroom

Take care of your needs and return to class

Have supplies ready

Be an active listener

Participate and cooperate with others

Be in seat / space

Arrive on time

Sitting in designated areas

Walk in and out quietly in single file lines

Be Respectful Respect all hallway displays

Keep hands and feet to yourself

Walk at a safe place

Be considerate to people around you

Use good table manners

Quiet voices

Keep hands, feet, and objects to self

Get permission to leave table

Take turns and share

Include others

Use kind words

Keep hands, feet, and objects to self

Invite others to sit with you

Use kind words

Help others

Quiet voices

Keep hands, feet, and objects to self

Quiet Voices

Allow others their privacy

Follow directions

Get the teacher鈥檚 attention appropriately

Use appropriate language and voice

Keep hands, feet, and objects to self

Be an active listener and participant

Face forward and sit appropriately

Make sure everyone can see and hear

Keep hands, feet, and objects to self

Be Responsible Keep hallway and school grounds clean

Stop at directed check points

Bring everything you need

Follow rules

Clean up after yourself

Keep food to yourself

Use the crosswalk with a teacher present

Report problems immediately

Follow playground rules

Bring in equipment

Stay in line

Follow bus rules

Keep bus clean

Take care of your personal belongings

Report problems to the bus driver right away


Wash your hands

Leave the area clean

Report restroom concerns to an adult

Check out with your teacher before leaving

Take care of your personal belongings

Clean up after yourself

Arrive and remain at your designated area

Make appropriate responses; laugh, clap, speak