School Hours

8:20 AM - 3:35 PM

The doors to the school open at 7:45 AM. Early students are to go to the cafeteria and will be dismissed to their classes at 8:05 AM. Students should arrive before 8:20 AM to get ready for the day. Kindergarten students will be dismissed at 3:30 PM in the courtyard.


When your child is sick or going to be absent, you must call the school office at 682-867-3300, e-mail the attendance clerk, or send a note to the school office by 10:00 AM. Reasons for excused absences can be found in the AISD Code of Conduct book available online at It is imperative to remember that excessive absences can/may result in retention.

If the office does not receive a call, e-mail, or note explaining your student's absence, your student is counted UNEXCUSED for that day.


It is important to establish good habits within our students for their future in the adult world. Please be sure your child gets to school on time and is in his/her seat and ready to learn by 8:20. Five tardies within the same semester will result in administrative action. Your child should be at school by the 8:05 a.m. bell to ensure they are in class on time.

Early Pickup

If you need to pick up your child early, you must check them out in the office. In addition, we ask that you keep early pick-ups to a minimum. It is crucial that students remain in class for instructional purposes.聽 Students will wait in their classrooms until you arrive to pick them up.