The AISD Board of Trustees committed in May 2014 to encourage participation of local and HUB vendors in the 2014 Bond Program.

  • HUB certification is defined by the State of Texas. Certifications from the following agencies are accepted by the district: State of Texas Historically Underutilized Business Program, Dallas/Fort Worth Minority Supplier Development Council and the North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency.

HUBs in the RFQ process:

  • Points are awarded in the RFQ evaluation processes for architects and construction firms for having a local presence (defined as Tarrant County) and for the percentage of HUB participation committed.
  • HUB participation for architects is scored based on the percentage of each project the architect commits will be performed by HUB sub-consultants (e.g., civil, structural and MEP engineers; landscape architects; acoustic consultants; etc.).
  • HUB participation for construction firms is scored based on the percentage of each project the construction firm commits will be performed by HUB sub-contractors.
  • In the RFQ process for construction firms, firms are also scored on their approach in recruiting, mentoring and obtaining HUB participation.
  • HUB participation is encouraged; however, lack of HUB certification does not preclude a firm from participating in the district's contracting and purchasing activities.

HUBs in the projects:

  • As projects commence, the architects and general contractors identify the sub-consultants required for the specific project. They identify to the AISD the percent of the total work they expect to be performed by HUB sub-consultants.
  • For Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) projects, construction management firms bid work for the various trades required for a project. The sum of the selected bids becomes the Guaranteed Maximum Price that is presented to the AISD Board for consideration. Contracts between the construction manager and sub-contractors are finalized after the GMP is approved. The HUB participation is reported to the AISD once the contracts are established.
  • HUB participation is tracked. All prime architecture firms and construction management firms are required to report HUB participation on a monthly basis on a report form created by the district.
  • HUB participation data is compiled into a summary report for all projects. The summary report and detailed reports are shared with the Citizens Bond Oversight Committee at each quarterly meeting. HUB participation reports are posted on the district's bond web page in the CBOC meeting materials.

HUB outreach:

  • Outreach efforts by the AISD Purchasing Department include participating in or hosting the following events:
    • Annual Pan Asian Business Expo
    • How to do Business with the AISD
    • AISD Bond Construction Meeting for Contractors and Sub-Contractors
    • Annual School District Vendor Fair
    • City of Arlington Annual Supplier Information Symposium
    • Government Procurement Conference for Small, Minority, Women and Veteran Owned Businesses
    • Dallas ISD Vendor Fair
    • Monthly Supplier Meetings for HUB Vendors (joint outreach effort with the city of Arlington)
    • Notices of procurement opportunities, including RFQs for architects, contractors and sub-contractor bids, are sent to all Arlington Chambers of Commerce, including minority chambers.

HUB Reports