School Schedule

  • Doors open at 7:45聽AM
  • First bell at 8:10聽AM
  • Tardy bell at 8:20聽AM
  • Dismissal at 3:35聽PM


When your child is sick or going to be absent, you must call the school office at 682-867-2130 or send a note to the school office.

If the office does not receive a call or note explaining your student's absence, your student is counted UNEXCUSED for that day.

Keep聽your child at home when:

  • child has temperature of 100 degrees or higher
  • child has diarrhea or vomiting
  • child has a rash of unknown origin
  • child has red, runny eyes or wakes up w/eyes "glued" shut
  • child complains of ear pain w/or without fever

Your child may return to school when:

  • fever free for 24 hours without the use of medicine
  • child is free of diarrhea and vomiting for 24 hours
  • child is free of symptoms or brings a signed release from the doctor

If your child has missed 3 or more consecutive days from school, he/she must bring a signed release note from a doctor to the office when he/she returns.

Please keep emergency numbers current in the school office - Your child may need you!

Tardy Information

Every minute counts towards your child鈥檚 academic progress. The tardy bell rings at 8:20.聽 Please make sure your child arrives at school between 7:40 a.m. and 8:19.