Research shows a strong correlation between good attendance and high academic achievement. We encourage and promote good attendance for all Speer students. Please review the AISD Student Code of Conduct for further attendance information.

School Hours

Our doors open at 7:45 for students to eat breakfast. After they go through the line, students will be directed to their assigned morning locations. A bell at 8:05 signals the time to go to class. Instruction begins promptly at 8:20. Students who are not in their seats ready to learn at 8:20 will be considered tardy. Our dismissal time is 3:20.


It is important to establish good habits within our students for their future in the adult world. Please be sure your child gets to school on time and is in his/her seat and ready to learn by 8:20. Five tardies within the same semester will result in administrative action. Your child should be at school by the 8:05 a.m. bell.


Please be sure to call the school (682-867-4000) by 10:00 AM聽whenever your child(ren) will be absent from school. Excused absence reasons can be found in the AISD Code of Conduct book. It is imperative to remember that excessive absences can/may result in retention. In addition, please be aware that 5 tardies in the semester will result in administrative action. Please read AISD Student Handbook for more information on absences.


Students may not be picked up from the office after 2:45 pm. In addition, we ask that you keep early pick-ups to a minimum. It is crucial that students remain in class for all instructional purposes.