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Summer written in the sand at beach

It’s Summer!

Summer is upon us! This month, the final school bell rings and the doors fly open sending our students out into the sunshine eagerly anticipating free time, the chance to engage in personal interests and the future start of a new school year. As professionals, this time will also offer many of us similar opportunities. Some will take the chance to be with family and friends while others may even travel expanding their worldview and experience with new cultures. Regardless ...
When They Know You Care

When They Know You Care

This year, my son decided to try something new and enrolled in a theater arts class at his high school. ...
New Habits Brain Illustration

Ready for a New Habit

It鈥檚 a new year. Usually, that turns into a nation of people reflecting on the past several months and projecting ...
Books wrapped

Give the Gift of Learning

When I was a kid, I didn鈥檛 like to read. It wasn鈥檛 that I couldn鈥檛 read, I just didn鈥檛 enjoy ...
Stressed Student

Choice Builds Satisfaction

John Spencer and A.J. Juliani, authors of Empower, say, 鈥淪tudents continue to fall into the same trap year after year ...
Barcelona Landscape

Be a Maker Instead of Only a Learner

As a young boy growing up in Southern California, I was always interested in other people and cultures. I would ...
Woman with Arm in the Air

The Truth About Empowering Ownership

Let me tell you the story of a young boy named Louis. Louis grew up in a small French village ...