A billboard with the words Delivering Our Best Self, surrounded by photos of staff and students

Every Six Weeks

A Honor Roll

Students who have received 90 or above in each subject area.

A-B Honor Roll

Students who have received an 80 or above in each subject area with at least one score being 90 or above.

B Honor Roll

Students who have received between an 80 to an 89 in each subject area for the semester.

Outstanding Academic Achievement Awards

Given in Kindergarten and First Grade in lieu of honor roll awards. These awards will be given to those students who meet or exceed the minimum expectations as shown on report cards. They must be on or above grade level.

Outstanding Citizenship Award

These students have no N' s or U' s on their report card and have no office referrals.

Attendance Award

Students who have had no absences.

Most Improved Student

The student who has demonstrated the most improvement in their schoolwork and behavior.

End of Semester

Principal's Academic Excellence Award

This award recognizes students whose schoolwork serves as a model to others. This includes completing assignments, neatness, work ethic as well as ability and grades.

Assistant Principal's Role Model Award