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Department Contact:

Angela Hernandez

(682) 867-7286

The Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Department supports the聽district-wide implementation of PBIS on all campuses. The department provides comprehensive ways to utilize systems, practices, and data to improve student academic and behavioral outcomes based on student need, thereby building a positive school-wide climate and culture.

The four critical elements of PBIS supported by the department include:

  • Student Behavior Support Practices: systems of student support that include proactive strategies for teaching, defining and supporting social-emotional learning
  • Staff Behavior Support Practices: durable systems to support positive school culture and climate while enhancing a professional learning environment
  • Discipline Data Systems Practices: data collection systems designed to identify status, need for change, and effects of behavioral interventions
  • Decision-Making Practices: utilization of a problem-solving model to develop and implement evidence-based behavioral interventions and strategies

Congratulations to the 2024 Outstanding PBIS Teachers!