色窝窝无码一区二区三区 is committed to providing the most appropriate services for each of its students. Through the district's Gifted and Talented services, Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, AVID, Dual Credit, and a variety of enrichment programs our brightest, most able learners are provided differentiated and enriched instruction designed to challenge and encourage their academic endeavors. With consideration of the characteristics of gifted students and their learning needs, our students are afforded opportunities to build on their strengths, to become critical thinkers, to challenge themselves to grow academically and to emerge as tomorrow's leaders.

AP Exam Scores

AP Exam Scores
Congratulations for completing you AP exams this past May! Student's AP scores will be avaliable starting on July 8th on the CollegeBoard website.
More... about AP Exam Scores

IB Exam Scores

IB Exam Scores
Also, congratulations for completing your IB exams! Students scores will be posted on July 6th. For both AP and IB, no matter what your score is, you have been exposed to rigourous college course work, which means you are better prepared for the reading, writing, math, and critical thinking that you'll have to do you in college and in your career. Thank you parents, students, teachers, and school staff for your hard work this year!

Events and Learning Opportunities

AISD Gifted & Talented Services- Open Referrals

Referrals for AISD鈥檚 Gifted and Talented Services are being accepted and may be received from any teacher, parent, or member of the community at-large. GT referral forms initiate the process and can be obtained from your student鈥檚 teacher or the GT Lead Teacher at the elementary campus. As part of GT identification practices, AISD routinely uses universal screeners in kindergarten, second, and fourth grades.
Please contact your campus GT Lead Teacher or Advanced Academics Coordinator if you have any questions or would like a copy of the parent referral form.