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Published March 1, 2023 on the TI2 Blog.听听 is the state adopted digital literacy curriculum designed to help students master the Technology Application TEKS. Students in pre-K- 6th access this student-driven curriculum through Rapid ID.

Learning.com鈥檚 Asynchronous Learning Pathway is assigned to all pre-K-6 homeroom classes in Teachers are encouraged to provide students with opportunities throughout the instructional day to engage in lessons that develop their foundational technology skills.

This year, TI虏 partnered with the Office of School Leadership to ensure students鈥 keyboarding and digital literacy skills enable them to effectively demonstrate their content knowledge and skills on online assessments. To do this, 3rd-6th grade students should work in the keyboarding curriculum between 10-15 minutes at least two-three times per week. This frequency is necessary to increase students鈥 muscle memory and to positively impact both words typed per minute and accuracy.

Teachers and instructional support staff have seen the value of these skill building activities:

Ana Pinson鈥淢y students enjoy, especially the keyboarding. Students get super excited to show me their dashboards as they see improvement. I have the kiddos start the day with every Tuesday and Thursday as their warm up and then at least one other time during I&E time. Every Tuesday, I allow one student to challenge me to a typing contest. The challenger chooses a sentence and we have another student time us. We record everyone鈥檚 times and keep them posted for a month. Students love this and I think it helps keep them motivated to practice as well.鈥

– Ana Pinson, 3rd Grade Ditto Elementary


Tracey Smith鈥淟 has helped to get our students excited about keyboarding. I鈥檓 seeing students challenge each other to improve their speed and accuracy. When I visit their classrooms for I&E time, students can鈥檛 wait to show me theirprogress! Our teachers use as one of the students鈥 daily learning stations. has also proven to be a fun 鈥渋ndoor recess鈥 activity this time of year when having outdoor recess isn鈥檛 always possible.鈥

– Tracey Smith, Student Support Interventionist, Speer Elementary



Jena Shankle鈥淢y campus has had great buy-in and usage of Learning. com. We have 100% of students actively engaged and learning! Our students enjoy the program and ask to use it when they complete their work. In some classes you might see as a station or morning activity. fifth grade students enjoy the keyboarding contest and try to type faster and have higher accuracy than the other classes. The 3rd grade teachers are super excited to see that 2nd graders now have Chromebooks because this will help the students be more successful in 3rd grade on STAAR with open-ended responses. I want my campus to know how proud I am that everyone is supporting our students in completing their CIPA compliance and helping prepare them for their technology skills and STAAR Online!鈥

-Jena Shankle, 5th Grade Berry Elementary


Ayesha Ramos鈥淲ith TELPAS Writing going online and STAAR redesign, we know that Learning. com is a high priority for our students. Through Friday announcements, we have established a 鈥淒rop Everything and Keyboard鈥 time where we share our current ranking and scores for WPM, accuracy, and usage. We use our school announcements to share how the results immediately bumped up our ranking and scores. That excites both teachers and students! We also emphasize the importance of accuracy over speed, so thatstudents are motivated to focus on keyboarding correctly. Ms. Moseley – our campus鈥 Ambassador – includes screenshots of our campus graphs and ranking in our weekly staff newsletter and at our staff meetings.

Whenever I visit classrooms, students are eager to show how their keyboarding has improved this year. Teachers are also excited to share how their classes are working to win the Keyboarding contest and take pride in showcasing how students鈥 constructed responses have progressed throughout this school year.鈥

– Ayesha Ramos, M.Ed., Principal Eddy and Debbie Peach Elementary