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Summer written in the sand at beach

It’s Summer!

Summer is upon us! This month, the final school bell rings and the doors fly open sending our students out into the sunshine eagerly anticipating free time, the chance to engage in personal interests and the future start of a new school year. As professionals, this time will also offer many of us similar opportunities.…



Now is the time!

It has been said that to become an expert, a person must practice their craft for approximately 10,000 hours. While some may learn a bit faster and some may take ...
Thank You

Thanks for all your hard work

What a year this has been! We have all been challenged in ways we could have never anticipated. We have had to stretch ourselves and refine our craft with such ...
Runners on track running towards finish line

Crossing the Finish Line

Several years ago, I had the opportunity to train for a half marathon. The idea of running 13.1 miles straight was a bit daunting to imagine. I had never run ...
Welcoming Learners Back

Welcoming Learners Back

É«ÎÑÎÑÎÞÂëÒ»Çø¶þÇøÈýÇø is welcoming learners back! Last year, we all jumped into Spring Break excited with anticipation for time to travel, rest, spend time with family and friends, etc. Little ...
Students hugging

Helping Students’ Mental Health to Thrive

If it could happen in 2020- 2021, it has. Never in our lifetimes have we experienced so many culminating challenges at the same time. And while we have been pushed ...
Student raising hand in virtual class

Making Virtual Learning Fun

While transitioning to a virtual learning environment was unexpected and the timing of it a bit accelerated, the reality is that so many teachers and students around the world have ...
Woman holding Gift

The Gift of Goodness

We live in a unique time. Never before has the world been so small and accessible. People from distant lands can board a plane and within hours travel to the ...
Man grasping his heart

Checking in On Our Kids’ Hearts

Recently, I read a quote that stopped me in my tracks. The quote was posted on a small road sign in a highly populated metropolitan city. It read, “Just because ...