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visual arts program wins district of distinction award
Posted in , on August 14, 2023

Among top 5% of visual arts programs

As a district that believes every child deserves a well-rounded education embedded in the arts, 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 has earned the .

The honor goes to districts that are among the top 5% of visual arts programs in the state. It also honors the district for providing an education that advocates and integrates visual arts curriculum to inspire creativity and build social-emotional learning that connects learners to their community and beyond.

鈥淚t was an honor and special moment for 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 to be named a District of Distinction, as it signifies our visual arts vision coming to fruition,鈥 said Linh Nguyen, the district鈥檚 assistant director of visual fine arts. 鈥淭his recognition represents the commitment and dedication of our district, fine arts department and all the amazing art teachers in providing every student the opportunity to be successful in the arts.鈥

TAEA is the largest state professional organization for art educators in the United States. The District of Distinction Award just completed its fifth year in recognizing school districts with outstanding leadership in promoting the arts in their district and community.

This November, Nguyen will attend the TAEA fall conference to accept the District of Distinction Award and be sworn in as the President of TAEA.

鈥淚t鈥檚 such a blessing to be able to experience both perspectives at the state and district level,鈥 said Nguyen.It was not an easy feat, and I am so proud of those who made it happen.鈥