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Recipes - Prince Lebanese Grill owner creates new recipes for school menus
Posted in , on February 14, 2023

Recipes are tasty and 丑别补濒迟丑测听

Aziz Kobty wasn鈥檛 the healthiest eater when he was a student at Martin High School.

鈥淢artin High School had two Chick-fil-A sandwiches for five bucks and I would destroy that thing,鈥 Kobty said. 鈥淭hen the chicken tenders and the pizza. I wouldn鈥檛 eat healthy at all. Why would I do that when they had some of my favorite foods right there?鈥

Kobty is no longer a student but is now a successful business owner of the popular . At a recent 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 school board meeting, he was approached by 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 director of food and nutrition services David Lewis.

Prince Lebanese Grill owner creates new recipes for school menusLewis wanted to know if Kobty would be interested in being the first business to be part of the By Students 4 Students lunch program at the district鈥檚 secondary schools.

Kobty jumped at the chance.

鈥淚鈥檓 hoping I can give them something different and fun that鈥檚 inspired by someone that was on the same path that they鈥檙e going through,鈥 said Kobty, who went to Dunn Elementary and Young Junior High before Martin. 鈥淢aybe that would give them a reason to try and eat healthy recipes.鈥

The By Students 4 Students program debuted last year when the culinary students at Bowie High School created menu items that were featured at the school. Lewis wanted to expand the program to local businesses, and Prince Lebanese was a natural choice.

Getting from Kobty鈥檚 head to secondary campuses isn鈥檛 as easy as picking something off the Prince Lebanese menu and putting it in schools. All the ingredients must meet the district鈥檚 nutritional standards and must be available for the district to bid on, and the menu item must be able to be replicated in mass quantities at campuses for hungry teens to scarf down.

鈥淚t鈥檚 going to be different for me,鈥 Kobty said. 鈥淚 was very nervous when they told me there鈥檚 a salt limitation. I don鈥檛 want to do it wrong. I don鈥檛 know the restrictions. That was a little nerve-racking knowing I just can鈥檛 go cook. The processes are going to be super important. Consistency is going to be the key.鈥澛犅

That鈥檚 why he spent an afternoon in the district鈥檚 test kitchen, working with ingredients and trying to come up with the perfect item. Kobty experimented with several items before settling on a wings recipe that will include vegetables. He鈥檚 also working on a chicken and rice recipe. The wings recipe is now going through the ultimate taste test 鈥 district students.Prince Lebanese Grill owner creates new recipes for school menus

The wings are expected to make their debut at secondary campuses in the fall, and Lewis is hopeful the chicken and rice recipe is something that can be used districtwide.

Kobty is already looking to the future.

鈥淚f I can make something that鈥檚 edible and nice and I can put my name on it, then I鈥檇 like to bring some friends in from the industry that are also Arlington grads and let them be a part of this program,鈥 he said.