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Good Morning America honors Kay Owens
Posted in on April 19, 2024

Good Morning America Honors Mama O!

It was loud in the Martin High School auditorium this morning. In fact, the whole country could hear the cheers.

That鈥檚 because they were live on .

ABC News reporter Will Ganss 鈥 a Martin grad 鈥 brought the GMA crew to Arlington to celebrate and congratulate the teacher he affectionally calls Mama O.

Mama O 鈥 also known as Kay Owens 鈥 has been Martin鈥檚 choir director for the last 26 years, but her 41-year career in education is coming to an end next month when she retires.

And this morning, thanks to Ganss and GMA, Owens got the sendoff she deserves.

She had no idea it was coming.

鈥淭he fact that they wanted me to be here at 5:40 鈥 I was like, um, I鈥檓 not a morning person 鈥 this better be good,鈥 Owens said after the event.

An early-morning chorale practice had been scheduled for 6 a.m. She led the practice until an unexpected visitor popped in at about 7:30.

鈥淲hen they opened the doors and Will Ganss was there, that got me,鈥 Owens said. 鈥淚 couldn鈥檛 believe it. And then walking in these doors [of the auditorium] and seeing all the people, I couldn鈥檛 believe it. I was blown away.鈥

Students, cheerleaders, fellow teachers, administrators and trustees roared when Ganss led Owens into the auditorium.

Arlington mayor Jim Ross was there, too, to declare April 19, 2024, Kay Owens Day.

鈥淲hat I wanted the world to know 鈥 why I was thinking this would be great for a national audience is when you think Texas, I think a lot of people across the country think 鈥楩riday Night Lights鈥 鈥 they鈥檙e thinking about football,鈥 Ganss said. 鈥淏ut what they might be surprised by is that we have these incredible arts educators and art programs in public schools all over the state. And for us here in Arlington, we鈥檝e had Ms. Owens for 41 years inspiring students, teaching them not only to be a good singer but how to be a better person. The stars aligned and it [bringing GMA to Martin to surprise Owens] went even better than I thought it would. It was so special.鈥

While dozens of current students cheered and waved signs on the auditorium stage as Ganss shared his appreciation for Owens on live TV, two of Owens鈥 former students hid behind the crowd until just the right moment.

When Ganss called Scott Hoying and Kirstin Maldonado of to come out, everyone went crazy with excitement. The former students of Owens wanted to show her their appreciation, too.

鈥淢s. Owens has had such an impact on so many students鈥 lives and she cares about music and cares about her students so so passionately,鈥 Hoying said. 鈥淎nd she changed our lives, like she made me more passionate about music and she instilled a work ethic in us that I think has translated into a huge reason why Pentatonix is so successful. It鈥檚 just wild that her passion and how amazing of a teacher she is has had a butterfly effect that鈥檚 led to touching so many lives, and I鈥檓 just so glad she got this epic sendoff because it鈥檚 what she deserves.鈥

Owens was in shock, but there was still one more surprise. GMA鈥檚 big yellow mascot walked up carrying a big cutout of a cruise ship, and Ganss announced that Owens is getting a National Geographic cruise to the Galapagos Islands.

That will make retirement even more exciting. But it鈥檚 also bittersweet.

鈥淥f course I鈥檒l miss kids,鈥 she said. 鈥淭hat鈥檚 why I鈥檝e done the job as long as I have 鈥 it鈥檚 the kids.鈥

Which is exactly why Ganss, Pentatnoix and so many others cheered so loudly this morning.

from the surprise.