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Next Level Chef - Preston Nguyen
Posted in , , on February 16, 2023

Next Level Chef premiered after Super Bowl

You鈥檝e probably heard of former 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 student Preston Nguyen, the 19-year-old chef taking the culinary industry by storm. Well, now he鈥檚 taking his skills to new heights on Gordon Ramsay鈥檚 hit television show .

Next Level Chef

CR: Michael Becker/FOX

The show premiered Sunday after the Super Bowl, so Nguyen hosted a watch party with family and friends surrounding him for the special occasion. He even set up a tripod to film his initial reactions of seeing himself on television.

As soon as he was about to enter the scene, jaws dropped from everyone in the room as the TV froze. The whole room was filled with panic for a few seconds, but all was well once the TV was reset.

鈥淎ll I could think was 鈥榃ow, it鈥檚 actually happening now,鈥欌 said Nguyen. 鈥淣ow that I鈥檓 able to slow down and see it from an outside perspective, I鈥檓 like 鈥榃ow, that鈥檚 really me on TV.鈥 If I win Next Level Chef, I may be the highest paid competition chef in the world, so I鈥檓 definitely expecting to win.

Next Level Chef Preston Nguyen

CR: Michael Becker/FOX

鈥淭hrough it all, I鈥檝e learned not to be afraid to take a step back and evaluate what you鈥檙e doing. Sometimes when you鈥檙e in the kitchen, you get flustered and you back yourself into a corner that you can鈥檛 recover from. Taking that extra second to really evaluate something and make adjustments is key.鈥

When speaking about filming for the show, he had nothing but compliments for the cast and staff who he worked with.

鈥淭he whole experience, as well as getting to meet Gordon and all the mentors, was amazing,鈥 said Nguyen. 鈥淭he cast was super friendly, and we bonded pretty quickly. We still talk to one another every single day. It鈥檚 a nice, big competitive family.鈥

Nguyen鈥檚 culinary career is taking off, and he has lots of upcoming travel planned since he鈥檚 the World Food Champion. In the meantime, you might be able to catch him at serving up Mediterranean cuisine to local families.

Next Level Chef airs every Thursday at 7 p.m. on FOX. If you need something to watch with your family tonight, tune in to Next Level Chef with Gordon Ramsay to check out one of 色窝窝无码一区二区三区鈥檚 finest in action.