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Antong Lucky, former gang member, speaks to teachers at Empowered Conference
Posted in on July 22, 2022

The founder of the Dallas Bloods gang visited the 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 Dan Dipert Career and Technical Center last week.

Empowered Rise Up Conference

But Antong Lucky鈥檚 colors have changed. He was at the CTC to inspire and encourage teachers attending the Empowered Rise Up Conference.

The professional development conference included teachers from 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 and beyond and focused on a methodology and resources teachers can use to engage students in experiential self-discovery and help develop an entrepreneurial/growth mindset. The methodology is used in entrepreneurship courses at the CTC. (Stay tuned to the 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 blog for an article coming soon with more details.)

Beyond the surface

Antong Lucky, former gang member, speaks to teachers at Empowered ConferenceLucky鈥檚 message to the teachers was simple, but personal and profound. His tools and tips for teachers boiled down to seeking to understand and love students.

鈥淚f you don鈥檛 look past the exterior, you miss the opportunity to make an impact,鈥 he said. 鈥淵ou never know what鈥檚 behind the exterior of these kids. Sometimes it鈥檚 a celebration that these kids even made it to school.鈥

Lucky knows that from experience. He was a smart and gifted student as a child, even a teacher鈥檚 pet. But life was difficult outside of school. His mother was only 16 when he was born, and his father was incarcerated. Lucky鈥檚 Dallas neighborhood was rough, and life became about survival.

At 19 years old, a judge declared Lucky a 鈥渕enace to society鈥 and sent him to prison.

But one day in prison, another inmate pulled Lucky aside and said, 鈥淚f you have the ability to lead these men (other prisoners) to do wrong, you have the same ability within you to do right. You are a leader.鈥

That moment sparked a change. That man continued to mentor Lucky in prison and Lucky poured himself into learning, reading every book he could, doing what was right and mentoring others.

Lots of Love

Today, Lucky leads , a non-profit in Dallas that works to change the cultural environment of communities to stop violence and help individuals reach their fullest potential. Lucky and his team train and equip others to become mentors and agents of change.

鈥淚鈥檝e been able to overcome a lot of obstacles,鈥 he said.

He encouraged the teachers to build the foundation for their students so they can also overcome obstacles.

鈥淲e need to give these kids love,鈥 Lucky said.

Then he quoted a friend: 鈥淭he problem is LOL 鈥 lack of love. The solution is LOL 鈥 lots of love.鈥

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