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teacher leaders
Posted in , , on January 20, 2023

Teacher leaders walk the red carpet

Sequin dresses and swanky suits filled the as teachers from across the district were honored for their leadership last night. Puttin鈥 on the Glitz was the first celebration of its kind for the district’s teacher leaders, and the school leadership department pulled out all the stops for the red carpet affair.

Puttin' on the GlitzIt felt like a Hollywood movie premiere night as nearly 700 teachers walked down the red carpet while paparazzi snapped pictures of their radiant smiles. The CVPA was decked in black and gold d茅cor and appetizing hors d鈥檕euvres and dinner options lined the lobby.

While teachers filled up on roasted chicken skewers and an array of delectable desserts, they received encouragement from Superintendent Dr. Marcelo Cavazos, Board of Trustees members, the executive leadership team and principals from across the district.

鈥淟eadership matters in every part of the organization, but it really matters at the teacher level,鈥 said Cavazos. 鈥淭hey have stepped up and assumed positions to lead other teachers, and this is an inspiration for us, because it鈥檚 best that this kind of work is distributed. I鈥檓 proud of all these teachers here today and the staff that works with this program.鈥

From the superintendent to the school leadership department, the goal of the event was to honor and empower teacher leaders to continue making a difference on campus.

鈥淎SPIRE is a network of leadership programs, and we specifically target teacher leaders in one of three of our pathways,鈥 said Jessica Estillette, director of leadership development. 鈥淲e have opportunities for level and department leads, model teachers, instructional coaches and mentors. We want them to be seen as instructional leaders on their campus, so we want to support in their development.鈥

Puttin' on the GlitzBy the overwhelming turnout for the event, it鈥檚 evident that teacher leaders are getting the support they need to grow and step out of their comfort zones.

Some school groups even showed up dressed in the same color scheme or matching tiaras. And one school arrived in a limo. These campus leaders just can鈥檛 resist bringing school spirit everywhere they go. Needless to say, everyone left with bellies and hearts full.

Gratitude filled the air as hundreds gathered to reflect on this year鈥檚 accomplishments.

鈥淎s an educator, you don鈥檛 do it for celebrations like this, but it鈥檚 always a plus,鈥 said Gordon Stephens, Lamar High School calculus teacher and girls wrestling coach. 鈥淵ou do it because you want to see kids succeed, but it鈥檚 so kind of the district to acknowledge our efforts. It gives us a push to keep going.鈥


If you are a teacher in the 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 and you鈥檙e ready to go to new heights, apply to be a part of the ASPIRE teacher leadership program today. If you teach outside of the district and you鈥檙e ready to switch things up, now is the perfect time to join the 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 and take your leadership skills to the next level with ASPIRE.

No matter what track you鈥檙e on, ASPIRE will help you do just what it says 鈥 rise higher in your career.