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Posted in , on January 15, 2021

Bond 2019 Transportation Update

The 2019 Bond isn’t just about construction. The bond is also buying new school buses and vehicles for the É«ÎÑÎÑÎÞÂëÒ»Çø¶þÇøÈýÇø, including 87 new school buses and 22 new shuttle buses.

The new vehicle purchases continue what was started with the 2009 and 2014 Bond programs – replacing old buses and growing the fleet. The newer bond-funded buses offer many improvements, including better safety features, better gas mileage, air conditioning and now seat belts. The new buses also help the district keep to a replacement cycle of 10-12 years, or 150,000 miles for special education buses and 180,000-200,000 miles for regular buses.

The vehicle purchases in the 2019 Bond are phased over the five years of the bond program, and phase one is almost complete. All 18 buses in phase one have been received, including 15 full-size regular education buses and three smaller special education buses. All 12 shuttle buses planned for phase one were recently received and will be in service by the end of the month. These include 10 yellow shuttle buses and two white buses for the collegiate campuses.

In addition to buses, the district is also purchasing service vehicles. Service vehicles – like Suburbans, pickup trucks and more – help the district support its many and varied infrastructure and operational needs. Thirteen service vehicles were ordered in phase one of the bond program, with seven received so far and six coming soon.

Phase two buses and vehicles will be ordered in the spring of this year. The order will include five regular education buses, two special education buses, 10 yellow shuttle buses and 20 service vehicles.

The AISD’s bus fleet now has a total of 306 buses, 183 propane, 83 diesel and 40 gas.