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trustees meeting - Board Brief from Aug. 17, 2023
Posted in on August 18, 2023

Trustees adopt resolution on school vouchers

É«ÎÑÎÑÎÞÂëÒ»Çø¶þÇøÈýÇø’s Board of Trustees meeting on August 17, 2023, is in the books. There was a lot on the agenda, but here are a few of the highlights.

If you paid attention to the 88th Texas legislative session, you know there was a lot of talk about school vouchers. While a school voucher bill did not pass during the regular session, a special legislative session will likely be called to address the topic again. This evening, the board adopted a resolution asking the Texas Legislature to reject any diversion of public dollars to private entities in the form of education savings accounts or vouchers.

In more exciting news, the board approved the budget and general contractor for a major construction project at Martin High School funded by the 2019 Bond. The project includes a new band hall addition and some life-cycle improvements in the existing building. Plus, the athletic field, now known as Glaspie Field, will be converted into a stadium with a larger press box and new locker rooms, restrooms, concessions, storage and bleacher additions. Construction should start soon and finish in 2025.

The trustees also approved an interlocal agreement with the City of Arlington and the for services provided for the É«ÎÑÎÑÎÞÂëÒ»Çø¶þÇøÈýÇø Police Academy. APD facilitates an outstanding class taught by an APD officer that gives students a deeper understanding of the law enforcement field.

Later, Dr. Christi Buell, interim chief academic officer, presented to the board about changes to the district’s bilingual program and explained that É«ÎÑÎÑÎÞÂëÒ»Çø¶þÇøÈýÇø is moving from a late-exit transitional program to a one-way dual language program. So, what does that mean? It means the new model will help native Spanish-speaking students develop proficiency in both Spanish and English. Research shows that students not only become bilingual and biliterate in this model, they perform better academically overall. So, it’s an exciting change.

Here are a few other quick highlights. The board added Juneteenth as a holiday to the 2023-2024 calendar, it approved the final plat for the site of the Carter Junior High replacement school, it approved the monthly financial and monthly investment reports through June, and it heard an important update on student and staff safety and security from assistant superintendent of administration Dr. Michael Hill.

Those are just a few of the highlights from tonight’s meeting. If you would like more details on any of these, or any of the items not covered in this brief, please to watch the entire meeting.