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Medal of Honor visit to school
Posted in on November 11, 2021

Today may officially be , but students across the 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 got memorable visits from heroic veterans last week.

Two Medal of Honor recipients 鈥 Major General Patrick Brady and Command Sergeant Major Robert Patterson 鈥 visited six campuses and talked to students about their experiences and also gave them advice.

The visits were set up by the , which is slated to open in Arlington in 2024.聽聽

Major General Patrick Brady

Brady, who earned his Medal of Honor as a helicopter ambulance pilot, talked with fourth-graders at Little Elementary, listened to the fourth-grade choir at Duff Elementary and spoke with student-athletes and members of the JROTC at Sam Houston High School.

Medal of Honor winner Patrick Brady visits with studentsHis message at all three campuses was the same. He stressed the value of courage and sacrifice. He also told the students at all three locations that while there are no kings and queens in the United States, veterans are nobility in the U.S.

鈥淭his is what we do,鈥 said Brady, who received his medal for his actions on Jan. 6, 1968. 鈥淚f we don鈥檛 take time to spend with our young people based on our experiences in life and what we鈥檝e done, what good are we? We need to try and pass on some of the values we鈥檝e learned. You can鈥檛 believe some of the questions we get.鈥

Brady had to be ready for all kinds of questions, whether it was how old he was (85) from a student at Duff to his thoughts on Afghanistan, Colin Powell and communism from students at Sam Houston. He also talked about how he ended up in the Army and continually talked about courage.

鈥淓veryone is equal in courage,鈥 said Brady, one of 66 living Medal of Honor recipients. 鈥淔ear is an emotion. Courage is a decision. The key to success in life is courage.鈥

Command Sergeant Major Robert Patterson

Patterson, the son of a poor dirt farmer, earned his Medal of Honor in the infantry in Vietnam in 1968. When his army squad was pinned down by fire from enemy bunkers, he singlehandedly destroyed five bunkers with his rifle and grenades, allowing his platoon to continue its advance.

Medal of Honor winner Robert Patterson talks to students at Shackleford Junior HighBut last week when he arrived at Seguin High School, Key Elementary and Shackelford Junior High, Patterson was armed with only his infectious smile and North Carolina drawl.

鈥淲e鈥檙e going to talk about you,鈥 he told each student group. 鈥淵ou have one responsibility. Come to school and learn. But I also want you to have fun.鈥

He told the students how they are all building a house 鈥 the house that is their life.

鈥淩ight now, you鈥檙e building the most important part,鈥 he said. 鈥淵ou鈥檙e laying the foundation.

Patterson urged the students to get good advice from parents, teachers, counselors and others and to live the life they want to live.

鈥淵ou鈥檙e the only one that can live this life. Don鈥檛 let anyone tell you you can鈥檛 do something, because you can.鈥

Patterson also urged the students to live differently than he lived as a high school student and young man. He was honest about his bad choices and bad behavior. After dropping out of high school before 12th grade, Patterson joined the army, where it didn鈥檛 take long for him to earn three Article 15s 鈥 discipline for misconduct.

Medal of Honor winner Robert PattersonBut Patterson learned from his mistakes and got his life in order. In addition to the Medal of Honor, he earned a college degree, was awarded numerous medals, rose to the highest rank for an enlisted soldier and served in the first Gulf War.

The 73-year-old鈥檚 talk elicited a wide variety of questions from the elementary, junior high and high school students. And while he answered everyone, Patterson continually returned to his theme.

鈥淵ou can do anything with your life,鈥 he said. 鈥淒o something with it. It鈥檚 yours. Only you can live your life.鈥