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Arlington Collegiate High School valedictorian
Posted in on May 29, 2021

In the week leading up to 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 graduations June 3 and 4 at AT&T Stadium, we are celebrating the Class of 2021 valedictorian and salutatorian for all seven 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools.

Name: Princess Vargas, Valedictorian

School: Arlington Collegiate High School

College attending: Texas Tech University

Intended major: Physics/Astronomy

Attended 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 schools since: 1st grade

What advice would you give students entering high school?

Make sure to always go to your teachers when you don鈥檛 understand a concept. Do not just sit there in the dark, because it will only get worse. Get involved in school and build good study habits, too!

What was the most difficult lesson you鈥檝e learned while in school?

Learning how to study properly was the most difficult lesson I鈥檝e learned. I never took school seriously until I was in high school, so it was my first time actually studying for a test. I had no idea how to study properly because it鈥檚 not often taught in schools. It took a while to learn, but I looked at many videos on YouTube and found the method that worked best for me.

What鈥檚 the most meaningful moment you will take from this school year?

The most meaningful moment from this school year was getting accepted into college. I always had a fear I would not be able to go to college, because I felt like I wasn鈥檛 smart enough, and my parents struggle a lot with money. My mother told me I wouldn鈥檛 be able to go to college because we couldn鈥檛 afford it. Not only did I get accepted into a good college, but I don鈥檛 have to worry about paying for it, and that meant a lot to me.

What makes you the proudest about experiencing your senior year in COVID-19?

I finally decided to focus on myself. Ever since freshman year, my only goal was to get good grades, and that took up much of my time. When someone asked me about hobbies, all I could say is I like cleaning and video games, because that鈥檚 all I ever did other than school. Because of COVID-19, I got to step back and take time to do things I have never thought of doing before. I went from not being able to run a mile to running six miles, and I am very proud of myself!

What do you see yourself doing 10 years from now?

Ten years from now I am hoping to have a Ph.D. in astronomy and working as a professor at a university. I really love the thought of being a mentor to other students while teaching something I am passionate about. I also would love to do my own kind of research in the future and even write dissertations.