Graduation – 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 More Than a Remarkable Education Tue, 18 Jun 2024 22:16:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 /wp-content/files/2018/02/cropped-favicon-1-32x32.jpg Graduation – 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 32 32 Martin High School grad heading to U.S. Naval Academy /district-news/martin-high-school-grad-naval-academy/ Tue, 18 Jun 2024 22:13:56 +0000 /?p=180877 Naval Academy - Martin High School graduate and future Naval Academy midshipman Owen Hulme

Eagle Scout about to become a Naval Academy midshipman

Determined, passionate and fearless, he鈥檚 Martin High School graduate and soon-to-be midshipman Owen Hulme.

Hulme听is ready to听embrace the challenges of the four-year academy.

鈥淚t鈥檚 been lots of running and lots of working out,鈥 Hulme said. 鈥淚t鈥檚 also been lots of studying on naval history.鈥

For Hulme, his journey into the military is about more than just serving his country. It鈥檚 also about learning to lead those around him.

鈥淚 want to serve as an officer,鈥 he said. 鈥淚 want to lead my brothers and sisters in arms. I鈥檝e always liked standing up and leading the people around me. I want to learn from the best.鈥

In fact, Hulme鈥檚 leadership has always been evident through his involvement at Martin as a swim team captain, roboboat member and active participant in his STEM courses.

Inspired by book 鈥,鈥 Hulme felt destined to enter the Naval Academy after graduation.

鈥淩eading about his story and what he had to overcome, it really pushed me,鈥 Hulme said. 鈥淭he caliber of people I wanted to work with was exactly who was represented in the book.鈥

That鈥檚 also why听 leader and former Army Ranger John Burdick has helped mentor Hulme along the way.

鈥淗e helped me a lot in figuring out what I wanted to do and what the best way to do that was,鈥 Hulme said.

As a thirty-year veteran, Burdick knows Hulme will make an outstanding officer one day.

鈥淗e鈥檚 a great scout and a great young man,鈥 Burdick said. 鈥淲hen you think of an Eagle Scout and what comes to mind 鈥 a person always willing to take charge, be a leader, jump in to help wherever it鈥檚 needed, carries a great personality, upbeat and helpful 鈥 that's Owen.鈥

After submitting over 15 essays and earning a congressional听nomination, Hulme was accepted into the academy with a full scholarship.

For students interested in following the same path, Hulme鈥檚 advice is simple.

鈥淕et started on the application process as early as you can and believe in yourself,鈥 he said.

Later this month, Hulme will make his way to the academy in Annapolis, Maryland, where he plans to major in ocean engineering. After he graduates, he鈥檒l embark on an eight-year commitment in the Navy, five of which will be served on active duty.

鈥淚 am so incredibly proud of him, and I am overjoyed that he made it in,鈥 Burdick said. 鈥淗e鈥檚 worked so hard to achieve this goal. Anybody who sees his success can take that from it. If you have a goal, it is absolutely possible to achieve it.鈥

His story inspires his peers听to have the strength never to give up on their dreams.听

鈥淚t鈥檚 a lot of hard work, you鈥檝e got to want it,鈥 he听said. 鈥淏ut it鈥檚 so worth it.鈥

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Seguin High School 2024 salutatorian shares memories and advice /district-news/seguin-high-school-2024-salutatorian/ Wed, 12 Jun 2024 13:15:33 +0000 /?p=180262 salutatorian 2024 from Seguin High School, Thao Ho

Seguin HIGH salutatorian Thao Ho

It鈥檚 graduation season and we听are celebrating the Class of 2024 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools. Meet Seguin High School鈥檚 salutatorian Thao Ho.

NAME:听Thao Ho

SCHOOL: Seguin High School


INTENDED MAJOR:听Computer science

鈱猈hat is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

Focus more on making friends, especially in your freshman year, because it鈥檚 going to be your easiest year in high school. I got to meet all my friends my freshman year and I was friends with them all four years and they were truly my support system to make it this far.

鈱狪f you were a superhero, which one would you be and why?

The thing is I don鈥檛 watch that many superhero movies. The only one I really watched was Spiderman because I think he鈥檚 really cool. He鈥檚 very charismatic.

鈱猈hat are you most excited about after graduation?

I鈥檓 pretty excited to meet new people because, especially at a small school like Seguin, I鈥檝e known these people for at least four years. One of my closest friends I鈥檝e known for 14 years. I鈥檝e known her since pre-K. I think going into college I鈥檓 going to see so many more people and so many different people from different backgrounds and I鈥檓 very excited to see that.

鈱猈ho inspires you the most and why?

This is a very easy question for me. It鈥檚 my oldest brother (Hieu) because he was the very first child in our family to ever go to college. He was very driven. He didn鈥檛 do extremely well in high school but in college he studied super hard and worked so hard on top of being the translator for my parents whenever they needed help with the bills or with the taxes or with the internet system. He was the translator on top of managing school. He even made it to dental school and he鈥檚 graduating this year, and his work and his determination and his passion really inspires me. I can work hard to support my family in the future.

鈱猈hat鈥檚 been your favorite high school memory?

My favorite high school memory was the senior pep rally. I got to see a lot of people that I know, and I haven鈥檛 seen in a long time. I feel like it was a last goodbye because I may not be able to see those people at graduation. It was also really funny because our teachers got to loosen up and they performed a couple of dances. It was definitely memorable.

Seguin High School 2024 valedictorian shares memories and advice /district-news/seguin-high-school-2024-valedictorian/ Tue, 11 Jun 2024 14:30:55 +0000 /?p=180253 valedictorian 2024 from Seguin High School, Emma Le


It鈥檚 graduation season and we听are celebrating the Class of 2024 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools. Meet Seguin High School鈥檚 valedictorian Emma Le.

NAME: Emma Le

SCHOOL: Seguin High School



鈱猈hat is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

One piece of advice would be to not only focus on your long-term achievements, but also enjoy your high school life while you have it.

鈱狪f you were a superhero, which one would you be and why?

I would be Supergirl because even though she鈥檚 a superhero she also deals with personal struggles, and she learns along the way how to deal with those.

鈱猈hat are you most excited about after graduation?

I鈥檓 most excited about branching out and seeing how I learn in an independent way and leaving the support of my parents and seeing how I grow as a person.

鈱猈ho inspires you the most and why?

My oldest sister (Sophia) inspires me the most. She鈥檚 a role model for me. She inspires me the most to achieve success.

鈱猈hat鈥檚 been your favorite high school memory?

Going to the homecoming football game my senior year. It felt very nostalgic to me. It was the last game I was at.

Sam Houston High School 2024 salutatorian shares memories and advice /district-news/sam-houston-high-2024-salutatorian/ Mon, 10 Jun 2024 14:09:57 +0000 /?p=180131 salutatorian 2024 from Sam Houston High School, Nestor Mejia Lopez

Sam Houston HIGH Salutatorian Nestor Mejia Lopez

It鈥檚 graduation season and we听are celebrating the Class of 2024 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools. Meet Sam Houston High School鈥檚 salutatorian Nestor Mejia Lopez.

NAME:听Nestor Mejia Lopez

SCHOOL: Sam Houston High School


INTENDED MAJOR:听Electrical and computer engineering

鈱猈hat is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

Try new things. Don鈥檛 be afraid to be a leader even if others will judge you. Just go out and join any clubs or organizations and become the leader, become the president. Do something outrageous, something spontaneous. 听

鈱狪f you were a superhero, which one would you be and why?

I鈥檇 be Batman because he鈥檚 a character who wants to make connections to solve crimes and solve problems on his own. He doesn鈥檛 like depending on individuals. He does things on his own and believes in himself.

鈱猈hat are you most excited about after graduation?

Obviously go to college and finally meet individuals who have the same goals as me, more people in the school of engineering in the school I鈥檓 going to at UT-Austin. Hopefully work on a project that will change the world while I use my skills from my degree.

鈱猈ho inspires you the most and why?

For me it would be Dr. (Robert) Oppenheimer. He was the leader of the Manhattan Project that made the atomic bomb. That鈥檚 something I want to do. I want to make something that will revolutionize the world by bringing together a lot of individuals who will work on a common goal. I want to change the world through technology.

鈱猈hat鈥檚 been your favorite high school memory?

When I went to go watch a soccer game where I saw all my old teammates and they won. It started raining, and that made it exciting. Afterwards we went to CiCi鈥檚 Pizza and we had a good time talking and catching up with each other.

Martin High School 2024 valedictorian shares memories and advice /district-news/martin-high-school-2024-valedictorian/ Mon, 10 Jun 2024 13:21:15 +0000 /?p=180091 valedictorian 2024 from Martin High School, Lynn Chang


It鈥檚 graduation season and we听are celebrating the Class of 2024 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools. Meet Martin High School鈥檚 valedictorian Lynn Chang.

NAME:听Lynn Chang

SCHOOL: Martin High School


INTENDED MAJOR:听Biochemistry

鈱猈hat is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

I would say don鈥檛 let yourself get pressured into things. I think that interests in subjects and organizations should develop naturally and not just because you want to be with your friends. If you want to go somewhere 鈥 to a meeting or event that your friends don鈥檛 鈥 don鈥檛 be afraid to go there alone. It鈥檚 your life and you should live it according to what you want to do.

鈱狪f you were a superhero, which one would you be and why?

I think I鈥檇 want to be Spiderman because I think it鈥檚 empowering. Most of what he does is with his own body and just to have that range of motion, imagine the tricks you could do as Spiderman. It would be really cool.

鈱猈hat are you most excited about after graduation?

It鈥檚 kind of clich茅, but honestly just meeting new people. I鈥檓 going to UT and it鈥檚 pretty large. I鈥檓 going to meet a lot of people in similar paths as me and people who also have different paths. I think that鈥檚 exciting.

鈱猈ho inspires you the most and why?

All of my family inspires me because they are so goal oriented, but my brother [Ray] is someone I鈥檝e been looking up to my whole life. He鈥檚 always been a few steps ahead of me because he鈥檚 a little bit older than me, but I think it鈥檚 really amazing he鈥檚 been able to pioneer his own path with basically no advice from anyone else.

鈱猈hat鈥檚 been your favorite high school memory?

My favorite high school memory was the senior pep rally. I got to see a lot of people that I know, and I haven鈥檛 in a long time. I feel like it was a last goodbye because I may not be able to see those people at graduation. It was also really funny because our teachers got to loosen up and they performed a couple of dances. It was definitely memorable.

Sam Houston High School 2024 valedictorian shares memories and advice /district-news/sam-houston-high-2024-valedictorian/ Sun, 09 Jun 2024 14:00:37 +0000 /?p=180100 valedictorian 2024 from Sam Houston High School, Luis Andrade

Sam Houston High valedictorian Luis Andrade

It鈥檚 graduation season and we听are celebrating the Class of 2024 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools. Meet Sam Houston High School鈥檚 valedictorian Luis Andrade.

NAME:听Luis Andrade

SCHOOL: Sam Houston High School



鈱猈hat is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

Take a chance on yourself. Try that hard class. Even if you don鈥檛 get the grade you want, get the 100, challenge yourself. It鈥檚 all about growing as a person. 听听

鈱狪f you were a superhero, which one would you be and why?

I鈥檇 be Captain America. There was a scene when he attempted to pick up Thor鈥檚 hammer. He moved it a little bit. He鈥檚 not worthy just yet. Later in Endgame, we see he carries a hammer and he鈥檚 worthy of the responsibilities. Even if you鈥檙e not ready for something, you鈥檙e going to work hard on it and be ready.

鈱猈hat are you most excited about after graduation?

I鈥檓 excited to meet new people, all the new opportunities. Hopefully I鈥檒l get internships, jobs, network and have that exposure in the world and hopefully succeed.

鈱猈ho inspires you the most and why?

My dad inspires me the most. He鈥檚 the reason I鈥檓 here. He鈥檚 the reason I have that drive to want something better in life. He鈥檚 my hero.

鈱猈hat鈥檚 been your favorite high school memory?

When I got the school record for the 3,200-meter run in track. I was at Texas A&M. Having my friends there and the people I run with almost every day was just the best feeling. And receiving those phone calls from my parents, my other friends, people who have graduated, people back home, it was a blessing to know I was doing something that was getting recognized and it was something good.

Martin High School 2024 salutatorian shares memories and advice /district-news/martin-high-school-2024-salutatorian/ Sat, 08 Jun 2024 14:00:45 +0000 /?p=180092 saluatatorian 2024 from Martin High School, 听Emilio Reza


It鈥檚 graduation season and we听are celebrating the Class of 2024 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools. Meet Martin High School鈥檚 salutatorian Emilio Reza.

NAME:听Emilio Reza

SCHOOL: Martin High School


INTENDED MAJOR:听Computer science

鈱猈hat is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

Have fun in high school. Try to do new things and see what stuff you like. Keep doing that throughout your four years. I meet a lot of friends through various competitions. We had a lot of fun working together. Also, don鈥檛 procrastinate. Everyone, including me, hears that and does so anyway. 听

鈱狪f you were a superhero, which one would you be and why?

I鈥檓 going to go with the Flash. He鈥檚 one of the most overpowering superheroes and with super skills I could quickly train and gain a ton of skills. I also tend to run late sometimes so that would really help.

鈱猈hat are you most excited about after graduation?

I鈥檝e heard a lot about Rice鈥檚 O-Week (orientation) so I鈥檓 looking forward to that. It鈥檚 the week before classes begin. I hear I鈥檒l have a great time and make a lot of long-lasting friends. I鈥檇 also like to see the Mavs maybe win the championship.

鈱猈ho inspires you the most and why?

My parents. Seeing them work hard to establish life in Texas as immigrants has taught me I can do anything I set my mind to. They鈥檝e been my constant supporters and remind me when I have missing assignments or usually when the teacher hasn鈥檛 put in the grade yet.

鈱猈hat鈥檚 been your favorite high school memory?

I鈥檝e had a lot of great moments. One of my favorites was winning the Lockheed Martin Cyberquest competition with my friends. We didn鈥檛 expect to do that well but got to grind for three hours together and took home a WWE-style championship belt.

Lamar High School 2024 salutatorian shares memories and advice /district-news/lamar-high-school-2024-salutatorian/ Thu, 06 Jun 2024 14:23:49 +0000 /?p=180077 salutatorian 2024 from Lamar High School, Hannah Bunnag


It鈥檚 graduation season and we听are celebrating the Class of 2024 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools. Meet Lamar High School鈥檚 salutatorian Hannah Bunnag.

NAME:听Hannah Bunnag

SCHOOL: Lamar High School


INTENDED MAJOR:听Computer science

鈱猈hat is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

There鈥檚 nothing that you can鈥檛 come back from, and it鈥檚 never too late to start trying. I know a lot of really smart, capable people could achieve what they want if they just had the motivation and support.

鈱狪f you were a superhero, which one would you be and why?

Megamind. He鈥檚 not very serious, and he鈥檚 good natured despite his upbringing. His underdog story is really inspiring.

鈱猈hat are you most excited about after graduation?

I鈥檓 most excited to start college because it鈥檚 an entirely different chapter of my life.

鈱猈ho inspires you the most and why?

My older sibling (Sydney) because she鈥檚 always been a role model for me. She sets a good example for what I need to be.

鈱猈hat鈥檚 been your favorite high school memory?

The eclipse. It was really beautiful to watch with my friends and it kind of put life in perspective for me. We watched it from school because they let us out for the peak of it.

Lamar High School 2024 valedictorian shares memories and advice /district-news/lamar-high-school-2024-valedictorian/ Wed, 05 Jun 2024 16:37:36 +0000 /?p=180068 valedictorian 2024 from Lamar High School, Emiliano Gutierrez Berlanga


It鈥檚 graduation season and we听are celebrating the Class of 2024 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools. Meet Lamar High School鈥檚 valedictorian Emiliano Gutierrez Berlanga.

NAME:听Emiliano Gutierrez Berlanga

SCHOOL: Lamar High School



鈱猈hat is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

The one advice I would give to an incoming freshman is to dare to go outside your comfort zone and try everything. My freshman year I didn鈥檛 really get to do that because we were hybrid, and we didn鈥檛 get to be on campus every day. Even sophomore year, some of the clubs seemed to fade out. But I would say try all the extracurriculars you can be part of, join every club. That鈥檚 coming from someone who did practically every club available.

鈱狪f you were a superhero, which one would you be and why?

My answer is a little bit niche, but I would want to be The Flash Barry Allen, but an important little niche aspect is I would want to be Barry Allen when he is a Blue Lantern. The Blue Lanterns are similar to Green Lanterns, but they focus on hope. I think that would more encompass me as a person as well as some super cool speed and some Blue Lantern patterns.

鈱猈hat are you most excited about after graduation?

Honestly just kind of having that independence of making my own schedule, learning subjects that I want to learn specifically, learning more about our government system and just having the overall freedom of not having the monotonous every day public school education. It was very tiring sometimes when waking up at 7:30 just thinking five more minutes, please, I just want to go to sleep. It鈥檚 about choosing your own schedule and I get to listen to your needs instead of having to go through a general system.

鈱猈ho inspires you the most and why?

The beauty in life is we find inspiration in everyone. If you don鈥檛 learn something new about yourself or the world from someone you encounter then you鈥檙e not really doing yourself justice. I think there鈥檚 inspiration in everyone. You can find inspiration from everyone you meet. If I had to isolate it to one person, I think it would be my mother. My mother is my biggest inspiration. She has always motivated me and always shown me what hard work and dedication can do. I truly respect her and she鈥檚 honestly kind of the one person I can always rely on to lead me towards my next goal.

鈱猈hat鈥檚 been your favorite high school memory?

It would be March 28 鈥 Ivy Day. I remember I was so anxious that day I even told me my mother, 鈥榃ould you be OK?鈥 because she was as equally invested in my education in what happened after high school. I remember asking her in the car, 鈥榃ould you be OK if I don鈥檛 get into an Ivy, if I don鈥檛 get into any of these schools?鈥

She said, 鈥榊ou know what, I think you鈥檙e going to get into at least four.鈥 At that point I thought it was just that mother support and she was trying to say things to calm my nerves.

Through the day teachers were asking me, 鈥楬ey, when鈥檚 Ivy Day. Isn鈥檛 it today?鈥 I asked them if they wanted to be added to my email list. That contributed more to my anxiety.

Once I got home, I think it was 5:04 when all the results came out. It was truly a whirlwind of emotions. I applied to all eight Ivys, and I decided to open them alphabetically. That was probably the worst decision I could have made that day. It messed with me.

I opened Brown鈥檚 letter 鈥 rejection. Columbia 鈥 rejection. Cornell 鈥 rejection.

So, after three rejections I was feeling emotionally overwhelmed and then I opened Dartmouth and got accepted and a weight lifted off my shoulders. Then I opened Harvard and got accepted. Princeton accepted. UPenn 鈥 waitlisted, and Yale 鈥 accepted.

It's so hard to remember that moment because I was feeling so many emotions. That is my favorite high school memory because it wasn鈥檛 just a moment of surreal joy, but then I immediately sent text messages to my closest friends and then emails to my teachers with screenshots of everything. I felt so much love and support. It was truly one of my favorite memories even with the low points.

Bowie High School 2024 valedictorian shares memories and advice /district-news/bowie-high-school-2024-valedictorian/ Tue, 04 Jun 2024 14:03:13 +0000 /?p=180051 valedictorian 2024 Lily Nguyen from Bowie High School

BOWIE HIGH Valedictorian Lily Nguyen

It鈥檚 graduation season and we听are celebrating the Class of 2024 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools. Meet Bowie High School鈥檚 valedictorian Lily Nguyen.

NAME:听Lily Nguyen

SCHOOL: Bowie High School



鈱猈hat is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

Don鈥檛 do exactly what your friends do. That鈥檚 what I did. I would move away from what everyone did and try my own things. That鈥檚 how I made it to where I am today. It was a very good experience even though I didn鈥檛 do everything everyone else did.

鈱狪f you were a superhero, which one would you be and why?

I鈥檓 not really sure because I don鈥檛 watch a lot of superhero movies. I would like to be a princess from one of the Disney movies because I grew up watching them, and they are very wholesome and nostalgic for me.

鈱猈hat are you most excited about after graduation?

I鈥檓 most excited to learn new things and meet new people. I don鈥檛 know how college is going to be, but I can鈥檛 wait to go on and live my life and get a job and start a family.

鈱猈ho inspires you the most and why?

My aunt. Her name is Mary. She inspires me the most because she was valedictorian at my school 10 years ago. She sought out and became an optometrist and I want to do the same thing because she seems so happy, and she has so much free time to go on vacations and spend time with her family. I want to live like that, too.

鈱猈hat鈥檚 been your favorite high school memory?

At the end of my junior year I was very close to my AP bio class and we all made t-shirts together and we wore them during tests and we took pictures everywhere together. It was a great experience. We shared a Google drive with our teacher, too.

Bowie High School 2024 co-salutatorian shares memories and advice /district-news/bowie-high-school-2024-co-salutatorian/ Mon, 03 Jun 2024 16:07:06 +0000 /?p=180027 co-salutatorian Timothy Pham from Bowie High School 2024


It鈥檚 graduation season and we听are celebrating the Class of 2024 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools. Meet Bowie High School鈥檚 co-salutatorian Timothy Pham.

NAME:听Timothy Pham

SCHOOL: Bowie High School



What is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

I would advise them to stay on top of the classes they wish to take. Of course, not procrastinate. I would also advise them to explore their options before they decide what they truly want to do and go to college because I feel like high school is that time where you鈥檙e open to a lot of opportunities and have that time for programs and try your hand at what might interest you later on.

If you were a superhero, which one would you be and why?

I guess I would be my favorite superhero Dr. Strange. Just because he knows a lot. He was also a medical professional before he became a superhero and I also think magic is really cool.

What are you most excited about after graduation?

It鈥檚 exciting and nerve wracking the opportunities that are opening up to me as I graduate high school like college and getting into my career pathway that I wish to take. Getting to meet people and experience the world as I go.

Who inspires you the most and why?

My father inspires me the most because he has succeeded after being an immigrant coming from Vietnam. It鈥檚 very difficult to do that, coming to America at such a young age and being able to succeed in America. He had hardships and all sorts of things, so he really inspires me the most to do my best and appreciate what I have.

What鈥檚 been your favorite high school memory?

Going on a BPA (Business Professionals of America) trip with my friends because we made it to state and nationals. The traveling times by ourselves, of course we were with the school, but we enjoyed the competitions and the time as we traveled. We did a lot of fun things there.

Bowie High School 2024 co-salutatorian shares memories and advice /district-news/bowie-high-2024-co-salutatorian/ Sun, 02 Jun 2024 14:00:37 +0000 /?p=180011 co-salutatorian 2024 Alyssa Vu from Bowie High School


It鈥檚 graduation season and we听are celebrating the Class of 2024 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools. Meet Bowie High School鈥檚 co-salutatorian Alyssa Vu.

NAME:听Alyssa Vu

SCHOOL: Bowie High School


INTENDED MAJOR:听Computer science

鈱猈hat is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

Definitely don鈥檛 slack off, and try to plan a schedule so you don鈥檛 procrastinate. I would do assignments a week ahead so I would be caught up. A lot of assignments from different classes overlap.

鈱狪f you were a superhero, which one would you be and why?

I think I would just want to be Spiderman. He has such a good reputation, and it would be fun to swing around buildings.

鈱猈hat are you most excited about after graduation?

Probably moving on to college and having more freedom as well as control over my academics.

鈱猈ho inspires you the most and why?

My older brother Nhan inspires me the most since he is someone I look up to and he鈥檚 the whole reason I鈥檓 going into computer science.

鈱猈hat鈥檚 been your favorite high school memory?

My favorite high school memory might have just been any event for getting money for senior prom such as Senior Sunrise or any of the fundraising campaigns. It was nice to collaborate with other people as well as to have a collective goal in mind. We were able to pay off our prom venue even though it was like $40,000 and we had no money to begin with.

Arlington High 2024 salutatorian shares memories and advice /district-news/arlington-high-2024-salutatorian/ Sat, 01 Jun 2024 14:00:51 +0000 /?p=180018 salutatorian 2024 from Arlington High School, Cooper Peach

Arlington High salutatorian Cooper Peach

It鈥檚 graduation season and we听are celebrating the Class of 2024 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools. Meet Arlington High School鈥檚 salutatorian Cooper Peach.

NAME:听Cooper Peach

SCHOOL: Arlington High School


INTENDED MAJOR:听Finance and engineering

鈱猈hat is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

Really don鈥檛 chase the achievements of life. There鈥檚 a lot that comes with the glamour. It looks like it is a lot more than it is. The starting spot. Being second in the class. It鈥檚 very nice. It鈥檚 very cool, but it doesn鈥檛 beat the process. It doesn鈥檛 beat the abilities you gain along the way. Being able to spend time with friends, being able to enjoy the family that is your football team or your baseball team, nothing will beat that compared to the achievements. 听

鈱狪f you were a superhero, which one would you be and why?

How could you go against Superman? He flies. Super strength. He鈥檚 got a big weakness, but everybody鈥檚 got something. I鈥檇 be Superman.

鈱猈hat are you most excited about after graduation?

Life. This starts the freedom and the next steps of beginning my actual life. For my entire life, it鈥檚 been Arlington, Texas, nothing else. Arlington High School, being around all the games and all the things. It鈥檚 going to be different, but it鈥檚 very exciting for me and the change is something I look forward to.

鈱猈ho inspires you the most and why?

My dad (Arlington High football coach Scott Peach), no doubt about it. His smile. His good nature toward everybody and the way he can walk into a room, and everybody lights up when they see him. Seeing that everywhere I go to is completely inspiring. I aspire to be like that every single day.

What鈥檚 been your favorite high school memory?

It鈥檚 probably a combination. There were two or three moments when I would come off the football field and whether I scored a touchdown or made a big play or did something like that, and I crossed that sideline and I looked up and my dad was there smiling at me. Nothing beats that in my entire high school career, those Friday night lights. That鈥檚 what I dreamed of every moment of my life up to that point was being able to play under my dad, being able to do those things with him. When I was able to perform at a really high level, stepping off that field and seeing his face light up, nothing beat it.

Arlington High 2024 valedictorian shares memories and advice /district-news/arlington-high-2024-valedictorian/ Fri, 31 May 2024 13:16:32 +0000 /?p=179992 Valedictorian 2024 Addison Gardner from Arlington High School


It鈥檚 graduation season and we听are celebrating the Class of 2024 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools. Meet Arlington High School鈥檚 valedictorian Addison Gardner.

NAME:听Addison Gardner

SCHOOL: Arlington High School


INTENDED MAJOR:听Forensics and investigative science

鈱猈hat is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

The biggest thing I would say is to get involved in your school, whether that is with sports, clubs or fine arts. Finding that group of people where you feel like you belong is so important to the high school experience because having that community you feel comfortable in can help you through all the things 鈥 good and bad 鈥 while also giving you and helping you find those people that make high school a memorable experience.

鈱狪f you were a superhero, which one would you be and why?

I don鈥檛 know much about superheroes. I guess I would say Spiderman because of his passion for helping the community, not only the community but the entire world is admirable. And the way he鈥檚 able to balance his personal life and just being a normal person with his passion for doing good.

鈱猈hat are you most excited about after graduation?

Just moving on to college and the next stage of my life and all the new opportunities and new connections and the new people I can meet is something I鈥檓 looking forward to. And just getting started with my career and all that. I want to get into the forensics field and that鈥檚 something I鈥檓 really looking forward to in college because that鈥檚 what I will be majoring in. I鈥檓 really looking forward to that.

鈱猈ho inspires you the most and why?

My mom. She鈥檚 not just my mom but also my best friend. She is so patient and kind and has an incredible ability for problem solving. I just know that I can always turn to her when I need to no matter how stressed out I am or anything and she will always be there to calm me down and brainstorm solutions together. She just inspires me every day to want to be like her and have her patience and kindness and quick-thinking skills.

鈱猈hat鈥檚 been your favorite high school memory?

I would have to say everything involving Friday Night Lights. I am a cheerleader and so getting to be on the sidelines with my best friends is just an unforgettable feeling. The unity and the excitement really with everyone at Arlington High at football games is just unmatched and something I will never forget.


Arlington Collegiate High School 2024 valedictorian shares memories and advice /district-news/achs-2024-valedictorian-shares-memories/ Thu, 30 May 2024 13:29:43 +0000 /?p=179986 Valedictorian at Arlington Collegiate High School 2024, Samantha Fernandez


It鈥檚 graduation season and we听are celebrating the Class of 2024 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools. Meet Arlington Collegiate High School鈥檚 valedictorian Samantha Fernandez.

NAME:听Samantha Fernandez

SCHOOL: Arlington Collegiate High School



鈱猈hat is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

It鈥檚 OK to make mistakes. Try to learn from them and don鈥檛 beat yourself up about it because I did that a lot. Every little thing I was beating myself up about and it was so bad.

鈱狪f you were a superhero, which one would you be and why?

Quicksilver. I鈥檓 always running late to things, and I don鈥檛 have a car. To be able to have super speed would be really useful.

鈱猈hat are you most excited about after graduation?

Moving into my dorm because that would be the first time almost living alone. I鈥檓 going into more of an apartment. I鈥檒l have a sense of freedom and have to rely on myself.

鈱猈ho inspires you the most and why?

That would have to be Scooby-Doo. I love Scooby-Doo. He鈥檚 always there for his family and friends. He鈥檚 scared of his own shadow, but if any of the gang is in trouble he jumps in head first even though he鈥檚 scared of everything.

鈱猈hat鈥檚 been your favorite high school memory?

It鈥檚 pretty recent, but our Senior Sunset. We couldn鈥檛 even see the sunset, but everyone was there together. That鈥檚 what I liked about it, the togetherness. Everyone was eating, taking pictures, signing yearbooks, signing t-shirts. That was very fun. Everything was so peaceful in that moment.


Arlington Collegiate High School 2024 salutatorian shares memories and advice /district-news/achs-2024-salutatorian/ Wed, 29 May 2024 14:51:40 +0000 /?p=179968 Salutatorian 2024 from Arlington Collegiate High School, Vanessa Trejo

ACHS salutatorian Vanessa Trejo

It鈥檚 graduation season and we听are celebrating the Class of 2024 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools. Meet Arlington Collegiate High School鈥檚 salutatorian Vanessa Trejo.

NAME:听Vanessa Trejo

SCHOOL: Arlington Collegiate High School



鈱猈hat is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

Don鈥檛 stress yourself out too much. In high school, you don鈥檛 have to worry too much. It鈥檚 not the end of the world with grades. Just try and make the best out of everything. You have to enjoy it while it lasts.

鈱狪f you were a superhero, which one would you be and why?

I think Batman. I would want to stop crime at night. That resonates with me because I鈥檓 more effective at night as a person than I am in the morning. I think that resonates with Batman because he鈥檚 always out fighting crime at night.

鈱猈hat are you most excited about after graduation?

Being able to find myself and my sense of individuality and try and live by myself. I want to see how that goes. I鈥檓 ready to be by myself and not be surrounded by my family. I want to see what the world has to offer me.

鈱猈ho inspires you the most and why?

My sister Alexandra. She inspires me because she鈥檚 my older sister, and I鈥檝e been looking up to her ever since I was a kid. She鈥檚 one of the reasons I鈥檓 the salutatorian because she inspired me to persevere and not give up. She鈥檚 been there for me every step of the way and has been a big inspiration to me. I look up to her a lot. She鈥檚 the person I strive to be a lot. She鈥檚 my role model.

鈱猈hat鈥檚 been your favorite high school memory?

Whenever I would help with the adopt-a-street mile cleanup. It was for my community and with people who wanted to volunteer. I liked the whole thing. It was the first time I was able to help in the community. I got to meet the volunteer coordinator and she was great. I looked up to her. She was passionate about what she was doing and why she does it. I liked the sense of being able to help the community knowing how much it鈥檚 given me.

Arlington College and Career High School 2024 salutatorian shares memories and advice /district-news/acchs-2024-salutatorian-shares-memories/ Tue, 28 May 2024 14:37:53 +0000 /?p=179929 salutatorian Oyinlola Alokan from ACCHS - 2024

ACCHS SALUtatorian OYINlOLA Alokan

It鈥檚 graduation season and we听are celebrating the Class of 2024 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools. Meet Arlington College and Career High School鈥檚 salutatorian Oyinlola Alokan.

NAME:听Oyinlola Alokan

SCHOOL: Arlington College and Career High School



鈱猈hat is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

There are a lot of things I could say, but I would start with really go in with an open mind to experience and learn new things because when you鈥檙e close minded and you have made the conclusion that you don鈥檛 like math or you don鈥檛 like English or you鈥檙e not going to try in that class, it restricts you from doing good in that class. Be open minded in anything you do. Be open to getting those experiences. And don鈥檛 procrastinate. It鈥檚 something that can affect your grades. You should be determined and focused, especially if you have goals for yourself. It鈥檚 important to stay focused and determined. You can reach your goals if you鈥檙e persistent about it.

鈱狪f you were a superhero, which one would you be and why?

WandaVision. I just like her energy, especially the show she was the main star of. She had to do to get what she wanted. Sure, it wasn鈥檛 the right means, because people couldn鈥檛 live their lives. She has the power to control her narrative, her story. I think that鈥檚 a big thing in this world. We have the power to control how we live, and we should take control and make that happen. Also, she has telekinesis and lasers.

鈱猈hat are you most excited about after graduation?

Just to experience new things. It鈥檚 kind of scary leaving a sheltered environment and going to a university with new people. It鈥檚 that experience you can get, the stories you can tell your kids and everyone as you grow older. You鈥檙e making fun memories. It鈥檚 very exciting.

鈱猈ho inspires you the most and why?

My parents just because growing up they didn鈥檛 have much, and they have done everything in their power to make sure myself and my siblings have a better life than they did. They brought us to America to get an opportunity they didn鈥檛 have back home where I鈥檓 from in Nigeria. I can take inspiration from that. They dared to be great. They鈥檙e inspiring.

鈱猈hat鈥檚 been your favorite high school memory?

When it was after class and me and my two other friends we were in the library, and we just had taken a test and we were destressing and we were making jokes and watching shows that were funny and thinking about when funny things were happening and we were just laughing at the top of our lungs. I enjoy that because it was a way to come together and destress because exams can be really stressful.

Seguin High School senior graduating with perfect attendance /district-news/connor-moore-perfect-attendance/ Tue, 28 May 2024 13:57:35 +0000 /?p=179921 Moore, Connor, had perfect attendance from kindergarten through high school. He's graduating from Seguin High School

Moore's perfect attendance started at Ashworth Elementary

Seguin High School senior Connor Moore has made it a point not to miss anything during his senior year of high school.

That should come as no surprise to anyone who knows Moore. He hasn鈥檛 missed anything since he started in the 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 as a kindergartener at Ashworth Elementary in 2012.

When Moore graduates from Seguin later this week, it will cap an 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 career of perfection as Moore went 13 years without missing a day of school.

It鈥檚 a streak that took 13 years to happen and is a stunning achievement as Moore made it through COVID, the sniffles, the senior itch and every other obstacle that could stand between him and perfection.听听听听

鈥淚鈥檝e been sick a lot,鈥 said Moore. 鈥淚 was just kind of sick at breaks. My mom would say that my body has kind of trained itself to be sick when I鈥檓 on breaks and then be perfectly fine when I was at school.鈥

It鈥檚 true. His mom Celeste Moore Cervantes, who happens to be a nurse, joked that he conditioned his body to get sick at just the right time. And that time was immediately once there was a school break.

It wasn鈥檛 easy, though.

There were some near misses for Moore, who plans to go to to start his career before moving to where he hopes to study forensics.

听There was a family funeral in elementary school when Connor had to leave early. But he made it past the time attendance was taken. And there were the well-timed trips to the orthodontist when Connor got braces. Then like everyone else, Connor had to navigate through COVID. Missing school wasn鈥檛 an issue, as it was easy for him to make classes when students were studying online. Of course, he did end up getting COVID. But like his mom said, that happened when school was out for summer.

The idea of the chance at perfect attendance has been with him since he was at Ashworth.听听

鈥淭hey had an award on a plaque, a perfect attendance award,鈥 he said. 鈥淚t was around third grade-ish when I realized I had perfect attendance. My teacher at the time, Ms. (Kathryn) Kaju, she told me I had perfect attendance and should go for that. That was the award I was going for at the time, was getting my name on a plaque. Junior high (Ousley) it just kind of happened that I got through it. Then I was like, 鈥業鈥檓 just going to continue.鈥欌

While the family played a role in helping Moore achieve perfection, his mom credits him.

鈥淚t was all Connor,鈥 Moore Cervantes said. 鈥淗e wanted it.鈥

And it鈥檚 not like Moore made it this far while in a bubble. He played cello in the orchestra and the euphonium in band. He鈥檚 also an honor graduate. He鈥檚 just one that has shown up every day鈥.. for 13 years!

鈥淚t鈥檚 a testament to the family,鈥 Seguin principal Billy Linson said. 鈥淭hey made sacrifices to ensure that he鈥檚 able to get here and able to get the education he needs from us on a regular, daily basis. He鈥檚 a great kid. It鈥檚 really a testament to him, too, fighting through those days when it was a struggle to get up.鈥

Arlington College and Career High School 2024 valedictorian shares memories and advice /district-news/acchs-valedictorian-2024/ Mon, 27 May 2024 13:30:30 +0000 /?p=179877 Valedictorian 2024 Richard Aguilar from Arlington College and Career High School


It鈥檚 graduation season and we听are celebrating the Class of 2024 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools. Meet Arlington College and Career High School鈥檚 valedictorian Richard Aguilar.

NAME:听Richard Aguilar

SCHOOL: Arlington College and Career High School

COLLEGE:听 or the

INTENDED MAJOR:听Aerospace engineering

鈱猈hat is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

To live without regrets. Sometimes I feel like I didn鈥檛 do enough or try enough. Things could have gone better if I would have put more effort into them.

鈱狪f you were a superhero, which one would you be and why?

Superman. He can basically do whatever, and I think that level of freedom and that level of ability could allow me to be whoever I want.

鈱猈hat are you most excited about after graduation?

I鈥檓 excited about a lot of things in life. Now I have to make my own decisions, and I will be able to succeed or mess up because of me, not anyone else.

鈱猈ho inspires you the most and why?

I don鈥檛 really have people I look up to for inspiration or anything. It just doesn鈥檛 make sense for me to look up to someone or be inspired by them.

鈱猈hat鈥檚 been your favorite high school memory?

The senior sunrise where I was at a pond watching ducks.

Arlington High students display building skills at first Trades Competition /district-news/ahs-students-display-building-skills/ Mon, 20 May 2024 20:27:34 +0000 /?p=179711 Building skills - Arlington High School's first-ever Trades Competition

Building legacies

Everyone can see the construction going on at the front of Arlington High School.

But on a recent Saturday, there was construction in the back, too.

More than a dozen Arlington High students donning blue jeans, neon-orange T-shirts and white hard hats measured and sanded wood planks, drilled holes and hammered nails.

No, they weren鈥檛 working on the school鈥檚 rear. They were participating in the first-ever 色窝窝无码一区二区三区鈥檚 Trades Competition led by Chris Grimaldo, who teaches a principles of construction course at Arlington High.

With a background in aviation and a bachelor鈥檚 degree in business management, Grimaldo spent a decade as a cabinet maker and lead installer. The six-year construction teacher joined Arlington High鈥檚 staff two years ago.

Building skills - Arlington High School's first-ever Trades CompetitionGrimaldo was inspired to host a competition after attending a construction workshop and becoming motivated to shed light on 色窝窝无码一区二区三区鈥檚 students鈥 talents.

鈥淚 wanted these companies to see how great these Arlington students are. I told them that they are amazing. They have great attitudes. They work really hard,鈥 he said.听听听听听听听听听听听听 听听听听听听听

Grimaldo鈥檚 听students were divided into four teams and displayed their woodworking skills while building two picnic tables, a beverage center and a Jenga-style game set. The event鈥檚 theme: 鈥淏ackyard Projects.鈥

On hand to observe and share their expertise were representatives of , the largest construction industry trade association in Texas, and , based in Dallas. The event鈥檚 other two big sponsors were the and (Live. Build. Lead.) Architects, also based in Arlington. Tim Thompson, a CTE specialist who supports the district's architecture and construction, manufacturing and engineering programs, said the competition was crucial.

鈥淚t鈥檚 really important to get the kids excited and to show them that there is support from the district and from the community 鈥 that what they are doing is valued,鈥 Thompson said. 鈥淭here is a need for this industry. Not everything is college-based.鈥

Winning creations听

鈥淚鈥檓 in the field all day long and you can tell 鈥 we need trades bad!鈥 said Landon Miller, a senior combination inspector for the City of Arlington. 鈥淲e need carpentry. We need electricians. We need plumbing. Even if you don鈥檛 go into construction, you will use these skills for the rest of your life, and it is fantastic to have.鈥

Glenn Grant, an LBL architect, echoed Miller鈥檚 sentiments.

Building skills - Arlington High School's first-ever Trades Competition鈥淲e need the people out there doing things; not everyone sitting at a computer,鈥 he said.

A former longtime teacher, Grant wishes he had the experiences that today鈥檚 CTE students are receiving.

鈥淚 had shop classes in high school, and I had drafting. But it didn鈥檛 go this far, where you have competitions and work collaboratively as a team.鈥

After spending hours watching the competitors complete their projects, Miller and Grant judged the creations, offering constructive criticism. They asked each of the teams if they would have done anything differently and inquired about how each team divided tasks among its members.

Freshman Yozhbad Carlos led three other students as they built the beverage center that featured a drop-in spot for an ice cooler, a food cutting board space and storage space underneath. The 15-year-old has grown up learning the ins and outs of construction from his grandfather, dad and uncles.

鈥淚 felt it was really special that (Grimaldo) called me to be the leader of this group. And I wanted to show up and help them out,鈥 he said.

Carlos was elated to have the experience, humbly taking advice from Miller and Grant. The judges were pleased with the efforts all the teams gave and offered constructive critiques on all of the creations.

Vivaldi Lopez, Gabriel Bateman, Josue Garcia and Roberto Vencill earned the Best Teamwork recognition for the picnic table they built.

The Best Presentation award went to Juan Avendano, Desiree Bustillos and Eric Hernandez, who created the Jenga-style game set. The team was led by 18-year-old Nick Cortez. The senior said he thought the competition 鈥渨ould be fun鈥 when Grimaldo asked him to serve as an advisor for his younger teammates.

By the end of the event, Cortez was offered a job.

Grimaldo said more details about Cortez鈥檚 position still need to be determined, but 鈥渢hat鈥檚 the whole purpose of (the competition) 鈥 to get these kids jobs.鈥

Isac Tavares, Larry Hurtado and Bobby White 鈥 all juniors 鈥 won the Best Leadership and Collaboration award for their picnic table version.

The grand prize winner? Carlos and his teammates 鈥 Jose Suarez, Richard Hernandez and Landon Henderson 鈥 won the Best Overall award for the beverage center. Hernandez, a senior, was also offered a job as a carpenter.

Each award was a rectangular lumber piece in the shape of a pencil, engraved with the category names. The students were also awarded with their choice of gift cards from local businesses like Raising Cane鈥檚, First Watch and Dutch Bros., as well as wireless earbuds.

Grimaldo was so excited about how the inaugural turned out that he humorously told the students and judges, 鈥淲e gotta go live.鈥

Framing lives

Throughout the contest, signs that read, 鈥淒irty Hands, Clean Money鈥 and 鈥淪upport Blue Collar鈥 hung to inspire the contestants about their future careers in construction. Simultaneously, a football scouting session took place on the field on the other side of the gate from the trades competition.

Building skills - Arlington High School's first-ever Trades CompetitionGrimaldo was thrilled to know that his contest judges were keeping a close eye on his students鈥 efforts. Like the players on the gridiron, Grimaldo鈥檚 participants had opportunities to be recruited. For jobs. Right there on the spot.

While it was a true competition, Grimaldo continuously reminded them that it 鈥渨as all in good fun.鈥 After all, the teens had proven in front of industry experts that they had successfully learned how to handle power tools for which they first had to pass safety tests in the classroom.

鈥淭his was the best day ever, guys. I鈥檓 not lying,鈥 Grimaldo said. 鈥淏eing your teacher, I have never been prouder of you.鈥

As the students helped him take the remaining materials and their projects from their 鈥渃onstruction site鈥 back into the school, Grimaldo made them all pause. Affectionately called 鈥淕鈥 by his students, the teacher belted, 鈥淗ey! Stay on your grind!鈥

鈥淲hoop-whoop! the students shouted back.

The call-and-response interaction between Grimaldo and his pupils further demonstrated their respect for one another.

鈥淚鈥檓 so proud of you, guys. I love you. We鈥檙e family,鈥 Grimaldo said.听听

Two seniors win $40,000 Amazon engineering scholarships /district-news/amazon-engineering-scholarship/ Tue, 23 Apr 2024 16:11:57 +0000 /?p=178889 Amazon

Scholarship includes Amazon internship

Most students don鈥檛 get Amazon deliveries at school. But two seniors from 色窝窝无码一区二区三区鈥檚 STEM Academy at Martin High School just got packages that will change their lives.

鈥淚 had no idea what was coming,鈥 said Karmen Chandler.

What began as a typical meeting for members of the school鈥檚 Roboboat team turned into something much more significant 鈥 the unveiling of two winners.听

鈥淚 thought there was no way,鈥 Chandler said. 鈥淭he second they pulled out those Amazon boxes, I knew.鈥

In a competitive field of 4,000 applicants nationwide, Chandler and his classmate Emilio Reza were among the 400 students selected for the prestigious scholarship.听

Offering up to $40,000 toward undergraduate degrees in engineering or computer science, along with a summer internship at , this opportunity opens doors for students to pursue their dreams at any college of their choice.听

鈥淚t鈥檒l help all my options be more affordable,鈥 Chandler said. 鈥淚 feel like now I have more of a choice in where I want to go.鈥澨

As busy members of Martin鈥檚 Roboboat and drone teams and national cyber scholars who won last year, they couldn鈥檛 have done it without the support of their STEM teacher James Hovey.

鈥淢r. Hovey has been my number one supporter,鈥 Reza said. 鈥淗e鈥檚 given me so many opportunities to learn from and pushed me to where I am today.鈥

But to Hovey, it鈥檚 their go-getter attitudes that set them apart.

鈥淥ne thing they have in common is they take advantage of every opportunity to enter competitions to have fun while learning,鈥 he said.听

As the district鈥檚 fourth and fifth recipients - and the fourth year in a row for a Martin student - the reputation of Amazon scholarship winners in 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 stands strong.听

鈥淚 am very proud,鈥 Hovey said. 鈥淚 had high hopes that they would be awarded this honor.鈥

But the journey is just beginning.听

Chandler hopes to attend the or the to study computational neuroscience, the field of study in which mathematical tools and theories are used to investigate brain function. With interest in coding, Reza plans to attend , or to study cybersecurity.

Until then, Chandler and Reza will be soaking up the rest of their senior year.

鈥淭his is an incredible opportunity and scholarship for these kids,鈥 said Martin principal Marlene Roddy. 鈥淚t鈥檚 a huge honor for our STEM Academy and the work our teachers do.鈥

Learn more about .

Seven students win full TCU scholarships /district-news/seven-students-win-tcu-scholarships/ Wed, 17 Apr 2024 21:25:26 +0000 /?p=178670 2024 TCU scholarships

Students named TCU Community Scholars

Once a Texan, always a Texan. But this fall, seven more Sam Houston High School seniors will be Horned Frogs, too!

鈥淚t warms my heart every year,鈥 said Sam Houston听counselor Cynthia Carter. 鈥淚t takes time, and these kids work so hard.鈥

Selected as , their hard work sure paid off. The seven students were honored Monday with a celebration with classmates and family and a clap-out to end the day. That鈥檚 what happens when you鈥檙e heading to TCU on scholarships valued at more than $280,000 each. The future is bright for Sam Houston鈥檚 soon-to-be biology, nursing, business and political science majors.

鈥淲e are so excited to do this together,鈥 said Angelica Garcia, whose best friend Samantha Leos will be right there beside her. 鈥淚 called her immediately and told her to check her phone right away.鈥

For Leos, the email almost didn鈥檛 seem real. 听

鈥淚 couldn't believe it at first,鈥 she said. 鈥淚 worked really hard, and I shed a lot of tears.鈥

Cheering the scholars were听Garcia and Leos鈥 teammates from the school鈥檚 cheer team along with students from Sam鈥檚 P-TECH and AVID programs. It also helped expose those freshmen and sophomores to the possibilities that await them.

Each year, awards 50 scholarships to students at 13 Title I high schools in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. The four-year scholarship includes a supportive residential experience and opportunities to study abroad.

Around December or January, students find out if they鈥檝e been admitted to the university before they can be considered as a community scholar. Once admitted, the application process begins. Finalists attend a dinner, go through interviews and visit TCU where they learn more about their career pathway.

In addition to the seven who were selected, Sam Houston had six other students who were finalists for the scholarship.

鈥淭hese kids are amazing,鈥 Carter said. 鈥淭hey are good human beings, they are kind individuals, they are compassionate individuals and they are concerned not only about Sam Houston but about their peers and about others.鈥

That鈥檚 why when they were asked to speak about their experience leading up to the scholarship, they all chose to share their own advice to inspire others.

鈥淭ake the risks,鈥 said Zerahann Ondieki. 鈥淕et out of your comfort zone, there are so many new opportunities out there. Don鈥檛 sit on your potential. Don鈥檛 limit yourself. It鈥檚听hard, but you never know what could be at the end of the road for you.鈥

Garcia felt the same way.

鈥淭ake advantage of your opportunities because you never know where they may lead,鈥 she said. 鈥淚 don鈥檛 think any of us ever thought we鈥檇 be here. Keep going and never give up.鈥

With the support of their teachers and counselors, they were able to do just that.

鈥淭hey are why we're even here right now,鈥 Garcia said. 鈥淭hey didn't leave our side for a second.鈥

The experience for other recipients like Christopher Montano was similar.

鈥淲e couldn鈥檛 have done it without them,鈥 he said. 鈥淚鈥檓 excited and I'm ready.鈥

So, let the countdown to the fall semester begin.

鈥淚鈥檓听so proud,鈥 Carter said. 鈥淭hey did it.鈥

And although they鈥檙e taking on their purple and white, they鈥檒l always bleed red and blue!

Way to go Texans! Congratulations to the seven TCU Community Scholars: 听

Luis Andrade 听

Caleb Dixon听

Angelica Garcia听

Samantha Leos听

Stephani Lopez听

Christopher Montano 听

Zerahann Ondieki

Martin High School senior earns $40,000 Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship /district-news/martin-senior-earns-amazon-scholarship/ Thu, 15 Jun 2023 14:00:59 +0000 /?p=172648 Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship

Rebekah Lara is heading to Rice University

Rebekah Lara never thought that going to college could be an option for her. Paying for tuition, books, lodging and supplies was just going to be too much. But now she is heading to in the fall, thanks to the .

鈥淭he week before finding out I received the scholarship, me and my mom sat down and made a budget,鈥 Lara said. 鈥淲e were like, if I worked all summer and saved enough money, I could pay for my fall semester, and once my income taxes come in, I can then pay for the spring semester. It was all so stressful. Earning this scholarship means a lot to me because it lifted a great weight off.鈥

Lara is now the third student from Martin High School to win the highly-competitive Amazon scholarship in the last three years. The program helps underserved students advance their education in computer science with a $40,000 scholarship and a paid summer internship at Amazon.

Described by her teachers as inspirational, reliable, diligent and persistent, Lara credits her mother as the key to her success.

鈥淚t's always just been her,鈥 said Lara. 鈥淪he鈥檚 worked multiple jobs for as long as I can remember. My mother is truly the reason I am so independent.鈥

Lara, a member of the robotics team at Martin, plans to major in computer science and minor in business at Rice. Her STEM Academy family at Martin knows she will excel in anything she does.

鈥淚t's the attitude and energy that Rebekah brings," said James Hovey, computer science and STEM teacher at Martin.

鈥淵ou can have ability, but if you don鈥檛 apply passion, you will not go far. Rebekah has that passion, and she is a fearless leader. She helped lead our team to victory in the competition over MIT.鈥

Robin Griffin-Yates, an assistant principal at Martin, has also watched Rebekah blossom over the years. But it was during her senior year that Griffin-Yates really got to know more about her character.

鈥淚t was at the RoboBoat competition that I got to know Rebekah and what she was made of as a person," Griffin-Yates said.

鈥淗er discipline and ability to take charge was so impressive. How she worked with the adults and the college teams and even within her own team and how she gave them support was amazing. I am blown away by Rebekah, and I know she has a bright future ahead of her.鈥

Sara Stinger, counselor at Martin, has watched Lara鈥檚 progression as a student since the eighth grade.

鈥淚 get to watch them as eighth graders and on. It is such a humbling experience that makes your heart swell,鈥 Stringer said. 鈥淪eeing these kids do these amazing things is so inspiring. We really are just guides; the students are what spearhead the innovation here at Martin. It is students like Lara who work hard to get the job done.鈥

For more information on the STEM Academy at Martin, please visit


色窝窝无码一区二区三区 graduates heading to U.S. military academies /district-news/arlington-isd-grads-military-academies/ Tue, 13 Jun 2023 18:39:55 +0000 /?p=172557 military bound - Asher Nguyen is gong to the Naval Academy

Students opt for military academies

Last month, thousands of 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 students ecstatically walked across a stage to receive their high school diplomas. Their parents, too, were overwhelmed with joy as their 鈥渂abies鈥 will soon leave the nest and head off to various colleges and universities this fall.

Some have enrolled at the University of Texas and Texas A&M University. Others will attend historically Black institutions like Atlanta鈥檚 Morehouse College and Grambling State University in Louisiana. Or they will move thousands of miles away to the University of California at Los Angeles or New York University.听

But not all 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 seniors are choosing the traditional route to further their education. Some, like Asher Nguyen and Brett Hoelscher, are opting to attend U.S. military academies to kickstart their careers and serve their country.


Asher Nguyen, now a Martin High School graduate, considered attending an Ivy League school or a local college to major in biochemistry to become a doctor. However, Nguyen said that his family鈥檚 rich military history never stopped tugging at him.

鈥淢y father was in the Navy and my grandpa was in the South Vietnam Navy, so I always had a military background,鈥 he said. 鈥淢y mother, however, introduced me to the prestigious academies and thought that I would听fit in perfectly.鈥

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="549"]U.S. Naval Academy - U.S. Naval Academy[/caption]

Nguyen said he discovered that the academies were 鈥渢he place for me鈥 during his junior year when he would watch YouTube videos about the different programs.

鈥淚 knew I could not afford the education of Ivy Leagues, so the military academies were the next best option,鈥 he said.

This past spring break, Nguyen learned that he was accepted into the , receiving a full-ride scholarship estimated to be $500,000.

鈥淚 was ecstatic. The Naval Academy was the first academy to accept me and I knew immediately that my future was set,鈥 he said.

This was quite the feat, as the Maryland-based Naval Academy 鈥 established in 1845 鈥 has a rich history of educating and training distinguished leaders in the American military and public service. The online resource reports that the Academy鈥檚 acceptance rate is only about 8% 鈥 making it the most selective of all military schools.

Benefits of military academies

Nguyen had four other options to choose from: the U.S. Military Academy 鈥 more widely known as West Point 鈥 and the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy. (Both academies are in New York and were established in 1802 and 1943, respectively.) Then there is the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, which was founded in 1876 and is in Connecticut. Finally, there is the Colorado-based U.S. Air Force Academy, which was founded in 1954.

Terri Cheek, an 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 guidance and counseling secondary specialist, is amazed by the growing number of students who are enrolling in service academies.

鈥淚 am extremely proud of the students who have chosen to attend a military academy,鈥 she said. 鈥淚t demonstrates these students' dedication, hard work and commitment to education, leadership and service.鈥

According to , a website produced by the United States Department of Defense, the five academies offer fully-funded tuition that includes books, board and medical and dental care. Students are in military uniform when on campus while taking traditional core classes. The programs emphasize the development of character through military-style training and regulation of conduct.

Because students live on campus, teachers have more time to help their students succeed in class. Graduates of all academies receive a Bachelor of Science degree and are commissioned as officers in their respective service branches. After graduation, Today鈥檚 Military reports that students are obligated to serve a minimum of five years.

Competition to get into all the academies is fierce. Admission criteria includes strong high school academic performance, high SAT or ACT scores and athletics and extracurricular activities. Leadership experience and community involvement is also required.

At Martin, Nguyen maintained a 4.72 GPA and earned a 1470 SAT score, played varsity sports and participated in numerous extracurricular activities. He also held multiple officer positions, including senior class president. Because his Naval Academy classmates have also been hand-picked for their talents, Nguyen feels that his classes there will be both challenging and exciting.

鈥淚t will be fun. I thrive on competition, and I easily make friends,鈥 he said.

Off we go ...

While attending Arlington High School, recent graduate Brett Hoelscher was also an honors student who was recognized for his citizenship. He served on the student council and in Key Club. Hoelscher was a member of the National Honor Society, was in orchestra, played golf and helped at his church. He even excelled as a participant in 色窝窝无码一区二区三区鈥檚 鈥淲hat鈥檚 Your Big Idea?鈥 entrepreneurial contest since third grade.

All those reasons made the teenager a perfect candidate to earn a scholarship to the . Yet, Hoelscher was shocked upon learning that he was accepted.

鈥淚 started jumping around with my dad and screaming so loud that the neighbors came to ask us if we were okay,鈥 Hoelscher said. 鈥淚t felt amazing to know that all my hard work finally paid off.鈥

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="561"]Air Force Academy - Wikipedia U.S. Air Force Academy[/caption]

Hoelscher鈥檚 path to the military originated with some of his relatives who served in the Air Force. He was most inspired by his uncle, Mark Hoelscher, who was a fighter pilot and test pilot for 20-plus years. A 1991 graduate of the Air Force Academy, Mark retired as a colonel.

鈥淗is stories from all over the world were the 鈥榮oundtrack鈥 to my childhood and spurred on my desire to serve,鈥 Brett said.听鈥淥nce I heard my uncle Mark talk about his time there, I was hooked. So, from third grade on, I wanted to go to the Air Force Academy.鈥澨

Brett鈥檚 high school credentials were so strong that he also got accepted to the Naval Academy. He said the decision was tougher than he anticipated.

鈥淢y final decision was based on my desired career field, and what the backup career fields would be in each branch,鈥 Brett said. 鈥淔or me, I really did not want to be stuck on a cruiser or a submarine if I didn鈥檛 get into Naval flight school.鈥

Brett thought long and hard about taking the conventional route to higher education. He was accepted into Colorado School of Mines and Texas A&M. He 鈥渉eavily considered鈥 enrolling at the latter school where he would have studied aerospace engineering.

听鈥淏ut I just knew that I couldn鈥檛 pass up the opportunity to get a world-class education, in tandem with joining the best military in the world at the Air Force Academy,鈥 Brett said.

Brett can鈥檛 wait for school to start. Although he admitted to being a little nervous about his next venture, he hopes it will turn into a 20-year career in the Air Force.

鈥淚 can鈥檛 lie, discipline hasn鈥檛 always been the easiest for me to deal with as I have grown up,鈥 Brett said. 鈥淏ut I have had amazing parents who have used discipline in all the right ways and shown me how to respectfully handle a situation where I am being disciplined.

鈥淚 definitely think that (learning at the academy) will be the hardest thing I have ever done. But I also think that it will be the most fulfilling four years of my life.鈥

STAR Banquet honors top high school graduates and their teachers /district-news/star-banquet-honors-grads-teachers/ Tue, 13 Jun 2023 14:25:42 +0000 /?p=172512 STAR banquet 2023

Watch the STAR ceremony

Each student in 色窝窝无码一区二区三区鈥檚 top 2% of the graduating class of 2023 deserves a lot of recognition. But so do their teachers.

That鈥檚 why the district honored those students 鈥 and the one teacher who had the greatest impact on them 鈥 at a banquet before the school year ended.

The annual Student Teacher Achievement Recognition luncheon, or STAR Awards, highlighted the 76 students in the top 2%. And each student got to bring one teacher with them from any grade. Most brought one of their favorite teachers from high school, but there were some who tagged a teacher from junior high or elementary.

Adrian Correa, now a Sam Houston High School graduate heading to TCU as a Community Scholar, brought his first-grade teacher from Morton Elementary, now retired.

鈥淚 am incredibly grateful for Mrs. Mills for the lasting impact she has had on my life,鈥 Correra wrote. 鈥淓ven to this day, I continue to draw on the valuable lessons and advice she gave me to pursue my dreams. Thank you, Mrs. Mills, for making such a big impact on my life and on all of your little learners.鈥

During the ceremony, each student and teacher pair took to the stage while their principal read three words the student uses to describe themselves and why they chose the teacher they brought. The principal also shared the student鈥檚 college destination and intended major.

Congratulations to all 76 overachieving students and their 76 life-changing teachers.

Check out the below of the STAR Awards event to see all the honorees.


Martin High School 2023 valedictorian shares memories and advice /district-news/martin-high-school-2023-valedictorian/ Thu, 08 Jun 2023 15:05:44 +0000 /?p=172441 valedictorian from Martin High School 2023, Vivian Nguyen

Martin valedictorian Vivian Nguyen

It鈥檚 graduation season and we are celebrating the Class of 2023 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools. Meet Martin High School valedictorian Vivian Nguyen.

NAME:听Vivian Nguyen

SCHOOL: Martin High School


INTENDED MAJOR: Human biology

What is your dream and how do you plan to make it come true after graduation?

My ultimate dream is to be able to fuse social entrepreneurship and technology to address systemic inequalities and mobilize civic actions for marginalized communities through that intersection. I plan to make that come to fruition through pursuing a major in human biology at Stanford University and pursuing the start-up industry there.

Who inspires you the most?

My parents inspire me the most. They are first-generation immigrants from Vietnam. They escaped generations of abject poverty in order to basically gamble their livelihood to come to America in order to give me a better future. They鈥檙e always there behind me, supporting me as a rock and a support system. It has really encouraged me to step outside of my comfort zone and to be able use their encouragement and use that toward my own passion.

What is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

Take the initiative. What I mean by that is to not be afraid to be the first one to go out there and seek new opportunities because you鈥檙e not going to be able to have access to these opportunities unless you go out there and you advocate for yourself, and you really do things that you never see anyone do. A lot of times people might tell you that you鈥檙e too young to do things or you don鈥檛 have what it takes to succeed or to go out there and follow your dreams. Honestly in high school what helped me the most was being able to advocate for myself and be a go-getter and seek the assistance I needed and just to put my name out there and step outside my comfort zone.

What鈥檚 been your favorite high school memory?

My favorite high school memory was staying back after school in Ms. [Jennifer] Rothwell鈥檚 classroom, and this was during senior year. What we would do is we would have these K drama nights where we would binge watch Korean dramas and we would order takeout food, boba, and we would really just celebrate the end of the semester and spend quality time together and bond as a team.

How do you plan to make an impact on society in the future?听

By driving progress at the heart of biomedical engineering and help for equity. I really want to unravel that intersection between socio-economic dilemmas and our society鈥檚 healthcare system as it is today, and I want to reform that in order to bridge the gap.

Martin High School 2023 salutatorian shares memories and advice /district-news/martin-high-school-2023-salutatorian/ Thu, 08 Jun 2023 14:53:10 +0000 /?p=172436 salutatorian - Nicole Guarderas from Martin High School

Martin salutatorian Nicole Guarderas

It鈥檚 graduation season and we are celebrating the Class of 2023 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools. Meet Martin High School salutatorian Nicole Guarderas.

NAME:听Nicole Guarderas

SCHOOL: Martin High School


INTENDED MAJOR: Chemical engineering

What is your dream and how do you plan to make it come true after graduation?

I would like to go into a field where I can focus on sustainably so our planet can be safe for future generations. Hopefully, after college graduation I can go into a field where I can make a change in the pollution spectrum.

Who inspires you the most?

My parents. My mother has had a positive impact on my life. They have given me everything I can ask for and give me chances to grow as a person, experiment and figure out what I want.

What is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

Don鈥檛 procrastinate. If you set the precedent of procrastinating early it鈥檚 going to harm you later. You鈥檙e not going to have the study skills you need. You think it will work and the one time you procrastinate, and it doesn鈥檛 work, everything comes crashing down. Try and hold off.

What鈥檚 been your favorite high school memory?

During one of my practicum hours, at our offboarding at the internship for Bell, we were eating lunch together, it was really fun. We had catering. It was networking time. It was a cool mix of adults and students who co-exist and treat each other as equals.

How do you plan to make an impact on society in the future?听

I wish to be a part of the change for pollution and the sustainability of products in our future. Change doesn鈥檛 come from one person, but I would like to have a hand in it and making sure no more species are extinct, our endangered species list is smaller and people have air to breathe.

What her teacher said:

Nicole is the student you want your own kids to be like. She is wicked smart, witty, funny, organized, driven and evidently run by an unregistered nuclear reactor because she also volunteers, works and plays guitar, bass and drums.听 She is a rock star in more ways than three! I am going to miss having her around.
- Paul Laux, Nicole鈥檚 ED (9th), POE (10th) and DE (11th) teacher

Seguin High School 2023 valedictorian shares memories and advice /district-news/seguin-high-school-2023-valedictorian/ Wed, 07 Jun 2023 18:56:49 +0000 /?p=172428 valedictorian - Seguin High School 2023 Michelle Phan

Seguin valedictorian Michelle Phan

It鈥檚 graduation season and we are celebrating the Class of 2023 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools. Meet Seguin High School valedictorian Michelle Phan.

NAME: Michelle Phan

SCHOOL: Seguin High School


INTENDED MAJOR: Computer science

What is your dream and how do you plan to make it come true after graduation?

My dream is to become a software engineer and to work in either rigging or game design. It has always interested me ever since I started computer science when I was young. My plan is to get my degree at UTA and work around Dallas or go farther if I have to.

Who inspires you the most?

My dad is the person that inspires me the most. He鈥檚 also a mechanical engineer, and he鈥檚 also been supportive of me. He鈥檚 a very logical man, and I really look up to him.

What is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

I would tell freshmen to have fun but take your classes seriously. If they want to be a part of the top of their classes, they have to start now. If not, they should find different electives and what really interests them. CTC classes are great for exposure to careers, and they should look into that. Some of those classes take prerequisites so they should prioritize those classes first. Also, participate in as much as you can.

What鈥檚 been your favorite high school memory?

My favorite high school memory was participating in every spirit day my junior year and going to the last homecoming game. I was lucky in that my classmates were also spirited, and it makes it fun to come to school and take pictures with the whole class. I look back at those photos and it鈥檚 so fun to see how close we were as a class.

How do you plan to make an impact on society in the future?听

Honestly, I don鈥檛 think I have the drive to make an impact on society. But I do want to be an example for girls in the STEM field. I want girls to see me as an example of why they can make it and by raising the perceptions of girls in the field.

Seguin High School 2023 salutatorian shares memories and advice /district-news/seguin-high-school-2023-salutatorian/ Wed, 07 Jun 2023 18:51:18 +0000 /?p=172425 salutatorian 2023 - David Tran from Seguin High School

Seguin salutatorian David Tran

It鈥檚 graduation season and we are celebrating the Class of 2023 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools. Meet Seguin High School salutatorian David Tran.

NAME:听David Tran

SCHOOL: Seguin High School


INTENDED MAJOR: Biomedical engineering

What is your dream and how do you plan to make it come true after graduation?

My dream is to become a doctor and help those around me who don鈥檛 really have the ability to afford healthcare. I just want to make healthcare available to everyone and not just people who can actually pay for it. I plan to make it come true by studying biomedical engineering and finding advancements in technology to make it more widespread.

Who inspires you the most?

Someone who inspires me the most is my cousin. Her name is Quynh. She has been one of the most helpful people in my life going through high school. She has accomplished so much at the same time while helping me. She鈥檚 made so many sacrifices. That鈥檚 the same for my parents, too. My parents and Quynh. They moved over here from Vietnam and had a stable job and provided food on the table. That inspires me.

What is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

I would probably tell incoming freshmen to be more involved because it allows you to meet more people and it also allows you to be in the community more. It also develops your personality because working with others influences you, and it鈥檚 very fun.

What鈥檚 been your favorite high school memory?

Probably HOSA [Future Health Professionals]. Seeing everyone compete gave me a good feeling. I loved working as a team. For HOSA, we also gave back to the community by addressing problems. This year we addressed heart disease. Working with my team and working with other HOSA teams at the competition was really memorable.

How do you plan to make an impact on society in the future?听

I plan to make an impact by utilizing the education my parents gave me. I鈥檓 also bilingual, so I don鈥檛 like it when my parents don鈥檛 know English. I want to communicate in multiple languages and create a better future for those who don鈥檛 really know what they鈥檙e doing. Also in the hospital, there are people who don鈥檛 really know how things work like insurance and stuff. I want to be able to inform them as a doctor about everything.

What his teacher said:

I remember David in fourth听grade as being ambitious and eager to learn. Ninety minutes of math was never enough for him. His hard work and perseverance have paid听off. He is an achiever, as this is only the beginning.
- Sheila Scott, David鈥檚 fourth-grade math teacher

Martin High School graduates prepare for boot camp /district-news/martin-grads-prep-for-boot-camp/ Wed, 07 Jun 2023 13:23:10 +0000 /?p=172419 boot camp - Martin grads enlist in the military

From the graduation stage to boot camp

Although Richard Nguyen just celebrated one of the biggest moments of his life 鈥 graduating from Martin High School at Globe Life Field last week 鈥 the celebration won鈥檛 last too long. The 18-year-old won鈥檛 have much time to kick back and enjoy the summer sun with friends. It鈥檚 time for Nguyen to start planning and packing. Within a few weeks, he will head off to boot camp at Fort Sill Oklahoma as an enlisted member of the Army Reserves.

Nguyen is among dozens of 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 students who are enlisting in the military, which involves leaving their families for boot camps just mere weeks after walking across the graduation stage. And he is ecstatic about his decision.

鈥淚 decided to join the US Army Reserves because I wanted to be more disciplined before going to college. I am aware of this from my research into what it is like to undergo military training, and I believe that joining that regiment will be really helpful for me,鈥 Nguyen said. 鈥淚 also want to serve America and further its interests.鈥

Nguyen, who emigrated from Vietnam at age six, said he first became fixated on the military between his fourth- and sixth-grade years at Adams Elementary School. It was then that he would spend hours watching YouTube videos on Medal of Honor recipients.

鈥淚 was curious to know what the job entailed and how it would compare to other occupations,鈥 Nguyen said. 鈥淚 also read books and listened to podcasts about the Global War on Terror, which is currently taking place in the Middle East, and I find myself really motivated to take part in it.鈥

In addition, Nguyen said Johnny Kim鈥檚 story 鈥 showcased on a podcast hosted by former Seal team leader Jocko Willink 鈥 inspired him. Kim, whose parents emigrated from South Korea, was a Navy Seal who later became an astronaut, Harvard doctor and Navy pilot. 听

Nguyen decided to join the Army Reserves because he thinks the branch most closely matches his personality. 鈥淚 have done some research into what military training entails and would like to participate in it. I considered joining the Air Force or the Navy, but neither is my preferred option,鈥 he said.

Man on a mission

While enlisted careers do include infantry roles, many jobs involve hands-on training for mechanical, transportation, human service or office fields that transfer well to the civilian world, according to , a Department of Defense website.

Nguyen, who graduated from Martin with honors, was a member of the school鈥檚 STEM Academy and wrestling team. He was involved in the Vietnamese Student Association (VSA) cultural club and volunteered with the stage crew for annual drama performances at the campus.

Shane Decker, a U.S. Army recruiter based in Arlington, worked closely with Nguyen over the past year. He explained that Nguyen will attend basic training and advanced individual training over the next year. Once those programs have been completed, he will attend UT Arlington, enrolled in the nursing program.

Decker said the route that Nguyen has chosen to take is 鈥渙ptimal for him鈥 due to the job for which he qualified and enlisted: a biomedical equipment specialist. He wants to one day become a medical doctor. This is largely because when Nguyen was in second grade, his father had a stroke that left him paralyzed on his left side.

鈥淚 picked this job in the Army because I believe that it will expose me to a lot of medical equipment that the military uses on their soldiers and patients,鈥 Nguyen said. 鈥淚 want to see my upcoming patients get better and want to treat them for their illnesses.鈥

Decker said for his medical studies, Nguyen will have the opportunity to utilize the GI Bill, Texas Hazelwood ACT and his Army Reserve Tuition Assistance (TA). The GI Bill and Hazelwood Act, Decker said, will provide Nguyen with payments for nine years of education along with the ability to utilize the $4,500 TA annually. Plus, he will earn roughly 40-70 education credits from his job training, Decker explained.

Many students are joining the military, Decker said, for two major reasons: 鈥淐ash for college and experience.鈥

On average, Americans will pay $80,000 to attend a four-year university.

鈥淣ot many have this kind of cash set aside to be able to attend school, and no one wants that kind of student loan debt,鈥 Decker said.

So, enlisting in the military is a great career choice for many. Decker boasted that it offers, 鈥淕reat pay, great benefits, travel opportunities, leadership skills, becoming part of something bigger than themselves, education, job skills, licensing, certifications and, most importantly, teamwork and personal growth.鈥

Spreading her wings

After finishing up her senior year, Martin graduate Rayven Smith decided to enlist in the Navy versus enrolling in a nursing program at Prairie View A&M University or Texas Woman鈥檚 University. Throughout high school, which was mostly spent in Fort Worth, the 18-year-old played volleyball and basketball and was an honors student.

When she was a junior, Smith hardly considered the military as a viable career option.

鈥淚 automatically thought I was going to die in battle,鈥 she said.

But Smith had a change of heart. While watching a Navy petty officer鈥檚 presentation, she felt challenged to think about the impact of debt and how she could gain a 鈥渓ife-long family鈥 from within the military branch.

鈥淚 had to go and experience a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,鈥 she said. 鈥淭he benefits correspond with my future plans, and they will help me be financially stable with no student loans,鈥 Smith said. 鈥淭he Navy was the first branch to consult me and make a great case.鈥

Smith said she is looking forward to 鈥渁 lot of bonding time and hard workouts mixed with explorations and learning.鈥 She recognizes that boot camp will not be easy.

鈥淪ome people might cry and quit when they get corrected,鈥 Smith said, believing that her Christian upbringing will mentally and physically prepare her for boot camp.听

Her mother, Fakeysha Hall, said she鈥檚 very proud of how her first-born child chose to join the military 鈥渨ithout any influence of her parents.鈥 But she said her daughter will leave a void in their household in mid-July when she leaves for boot camp at Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, Illinois. 听

The family moved to Arlington at the beginning of this past school year. This enabled Smith and her brothers 鈥 Ryan and Jakobe, who will be a senior and sophomore respectively in the fall 鈥 to attend Martin together. She and her mother are also very close.

鈥淚鈥檓 going to miss my baby,鈥 Hall said. 鈥淏ut she is stepping into young ladyhood. So, I鈥檓 with her 100%.鈥

Sam Houston High School 2023 valedictorian shares memories and advice /district-news/sam-houston-hs-2023-valedictorian/ Tue, 06 Jun 2023 16:22:06 +0000 /?p=172403 valedictorian - Sam Houston - Kenny Tran

Sam Houston valedictorian Kenny Tran

It鈥檚 graduation season and we are celebrating the Class of 2023 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools. Meet Sam Houston High School valedictorian Kenny Tran.

NAME:听Kenny Tran

SCHOOL: Sam Houston High School


INTENDED MAJOR: Architecture

What is your dream and how do you plan to make it come true after graduation?

My dream is a vision where our society is more sustainable in terms of architecture. Climate change has always been around and in recent research and development, we鈥檙e slowly getting there as a society. There鈥檚 better technology. They鈥檙e spending on solar energy. There are different types of energy as well as conserving our resources. My dream is after high school I鈥檒l learn more about sustainable architecture and help contribute to our society being more sustainable.

Who inspires you the most?

The teacher that I chose for the top 2% luncheon, my fourth-grade teacher [at Atherton Elementary] Samantha Yao. I almost see her as a mentor or like an aunt. At a very young age, she recognized my potential and taught me principles like discipline and devotion. She was my student council sponsor. She showed me the value of community service and becoming a leader.

What is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

Start setting priorities and your goals as soon as possible because throughout the course of high school, over the next four years a lot may change, a lot鈥檚 going to happen. You may not necessarily know at first what you want to do, but start getting to know what your interests are.

What鈥檚 been your favorite high school memory?

Probably when Sam Houston was doing their Black History month program and their show and performance. At the time, during my performance was my favorite memory. I was in the community jazz band playing bass guitar.

How do you plan to make an impact on society in the future?听

This goes back to the question before. Building with sustainability and more or less 鈥渟aving the world鈥 through sustainability and applying that into my interest with architecture. Later on, when technology develops and there鈥檚 a lot more research and it becomes a reality where our homes, our cities, are all better at conserving our resources, we鈥檒l have a better life.

Sam Houston High School 2023 salutatorian shares memories and advice /district-news/sam-houston-high-school-salutatorian/ Tue, 06 Jun 2023 16:18:24 +0000 /?p=172393 salutatorian - Sam Houston High School Eddy Trejo

Sam Houston salutatorian Eddy Trejo

It鈥檚 graduation season and we are celebrating the Class of 2023 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools. Meet Sam Houston High School鈥檚 salutatorian Eddy Trejo.

NAME:听Eddy Trejo

SCHOOL: Sam Houston High School


INTENDED MAJOR: Mechanical engineering

What is your dream and how do you plan to make it come true after graduation?

My dream is hopefully to get a degree in mechanical engineering. I was blessed with the opportunity to become a TCU Community Scholar. That鈥檚 going to give me enough financial aid and resources to go to a well-known school and hopefully get my degree in mechanical engineering.

Who inspires you the most?

Definitely my parents. They came to this country with nothing, and they had to work hard to be able to give us a roof above our heads, make sure we had a good education and enough to eat and everything. They are definitely my biggest inspirations.

What is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

Start off strong and don鈥檛 slack off your first year. Don鈥檛 skip classes and put in effort. It鈥檚 going to be harder to build up for your senior year trying to get your credits up. You might as well start off strong your freshman year.

What鈥檚 been your favorite high school memory?

Probably all the senior events we had this year. We were able to create a community and just be with each other. I have great friendships that will last forever.

How do you plan to make an impact on society in the future?听

Have something that will help the community. I plan to have a scholarship one day to give back to the community that gave it all to me. I was blessed to have a scholarship that covers my tuition, food and housing so I would like to be able to do that one day for someone too.

What his teacher said:

From the moment that Eddy walked into my AP US History class, I knew that he was going to be successful.听Here was a student after my own heart, self-disciplined, focused on continuous improvement and motivated to achieve at the highest levels.听A true Advanced Placement student and a true Sam Houston Texan.听Over the course of the year, he confirmed my original impression and even exceeded my expectations.听

On top of the academics, Eddy is honestly just a good down-to-earth person.听By the way he interacted with his peers听you would never have guessed he was at the top of his class. I am so proud of all that he has accomplished and have great expectations for his future success.听Go Texans!
- Andy Balash, Eddy鈥檚 AP U.S. History teacher

Lamar High School 2023 valedictorian shares memories and advice /district-news/lamar-high-school-2023-valedictorian/ Mon, 05 Jun 2023 18:35:33 +0000 /?p=172373 valedictorian - Joanna Arellano from Lamar High School

Lamar valedictorian Joanna Arellano

It鈥檚 graduation season and we are celebrating the Class of 2023 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools. Meet Lamar High School valedictorian Joanna Arellano.

NAME:听Joanna Arellano

SCHOOL: Lamar High School



What is your dream and how do you plan to make it come true after graduation?

My dream is to get my master鈥檚 in nursing, and I plan to make this happen by continuing to try my best and prioritizing my education over everything else.

Who inspires you the most?

My parents inspire me the most. They are hardworking and they have always told me to try my best in school. Even though it鈥檚 really hard for them to help me financially, they have always given me good advice and pushed me to do my best. They have never forced me to do anything I don鈥檛 feel comfortable doing. They are great, hardworking people that have determination.

What is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

Make friends because I don鈥檛 want them to focus just on the grades. Be more social around people because they help you in the long run and you can go on and move on with them and be lifetime friends.

What鈥檚 been your favorite high school memory?

It鈥檚 definitely going to the CTC and joining phlebotomy. This class has been awesome. At first, I was scared to join because I didn鈥檛 know anyone in the class. But I made a lot of great friends, and we were all like-minded because we wanted to go into the medical field. I really enjoyed this class.

How do you plan to make an impact on society in the future?听

Being a nurse. Especially since the COVID pandemic you realize the importance of being a nurse because there was a shortage of them. At the same time, for my family and the people around me, I want them to know that everything is possible as long as you set your mind to it.

What her teacher said:

Teddy Roosevelt once said that "far and away, the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing."听Joanna Arellano will absolutely earn that prize.听Not only does she exhibit an earnest tenacity with every challenge she encounters, but her aim is to serve others through nursing, which takes a special kind of compassion and humility.听This is work that is most definitely worth doing, and Joanna will do it well.听I am incredibly proud of her accomplishments during her time at Lamar, and I look forward to seeing where her work takes her.
- Rebecca Archer, Joanna鈥檚 Advanced Engish II, AP English Literature teacher and Academic Decathlon coach

Lamar High School’s 2023 salutatorian shares memories and advice /district-news/lamar-high-school-2023-salutatorian/ Mon, 05 Jun 2023 18:33:25 +0000 /?p=172358 salutatorian - Sara Lim from Lamar High School

Lamar salutatorian Sara Lim

It鈥檚 graduation season and we are celebrating the Class of 2023 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools. Meet Lamar High School鈥檚 salutatorian Sara Lim.听

NAME:听Sara Lim

SCHOOL: Lamar High School



What is your dream and how do you plan to make it come true after graduation?

My long-term dream after college is to go to med school to become a pediatrician. I want to become a pediatrician because I have scoliosis and pediatricians that helped me along my scoliosis journey have really been there, more than just a doctor but to support me. I want to give back and give back to children like me.

Who inspires you the most?

My mom. It might seem like kind of clich茅 but whenever I stay up, pull all-nighters and am up until sunrise, she always stays up with me. She never goes to bed before me. Whenever I chase any goals or pursue any passions, she doesn鈥檛 pressure me to change routes. She just supports me. She supports me in what I want to do.

What is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

For me, as a freshman, I didn鈥檛 have a clue about rank, GPA, what classes I should take. I advise them to reach out to more experienced high school students like juniors and seniors. At the same time, rank and GPA don鈥檛 matter that terribly, terribly much. It鈥檚 a time to enjoy high school, but don鈥檛 forget that with a better GPA, class rank, SAT, you might have a better chance to get into a better college. That was something I missed out on as a freshman.

What鈥檚 been your favorite high school memory?

My favorite high school memory? A silly one was when the power went out in the first period, and we didn鈥檛 have to go back to school for the rest of the day. That was a nice break.

How do you plan to make an impact on society in the future?听

Going into the healthcare field, just speaking for myself and for all of the healthcare field, we can always make an impact in our own little way just by helping others. It鈥檚 not just the healthcare field. In any job you can help others. Becoming a pediatrician, I can help younger kids feel better.

What her teacher said:

Sara is without question one of the top students in the Lamar orchestra program and one of the best students at Lamar High School. However, I believe what distinguishes Sara from other extremely talented musicians and high-achieving students is the way she carries herself with humility and grace. She is highly motivated to be the best at absolutely whatever she puts her mind to but is also humble, helpful, relatable and kind.
- Andrew Walton, Sara鈥檚 orchestra teacher

Bowie High School 2023 valedictorian shares memories and advice /district-news/bowie-high-school-2023-valedictorian/ Fri, 02 Jun 2023 17:20:01 +0000 /?p=172324 valedictorian - 2023 Bowie High School, Sharmin Ahmed

It鈥檚 graduation season and we are celebrating the Class of 2023 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools. Meet Bowie High School valedictorian Sharmin Ahmed.

NAME:听Sharmin Ahmed

SCHOOL: Bowie High School



What is your dream and how do you plan to make it come true after graduation?

I want to be wealthy enough to open a non-profit in Bangladesh where my parents are from. I鈥檓 not sure how to do that. It was a village that helped them get here. I want to be able to give back to them.

Who inspires you the most?

Probably my older brother. His name is Irfan Eshan. He鈥檚 like the start of it all. I wouldn鈥檛 have been the valedictorian if he wasn鈥檛 the valedictorian. If he can do it, I can do it. This type of dude, if he can, I can. I know him.

What is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

Join clubs, especially the BPA (Business Professionals of America). That allows for travel. That was one of the biggest connecting moments inside the school and outside. Competitive events were part of it. You can showcase your skills on stuff that applies to the world. Presentation, Excel, all the business-type stuff. It was really cool.

What鈥檚 been your favorite high school memory?

I鈥檇 have to tie that back into BPA. We went to California a month ago. I got to meet like 100 people. I want to go into business in the future. I was able to talk to different entrepreneurs and got to hear about the methodology behind it all, how they were able to start up.

How do you plan to make an impact on society in the future?听

Hopefully, I have that open-mindedness. As we get older, people stay in their ways. I hope to keep bringing that out in the future. I hope to keep listening to everyone.

What her teacher said:

If grit and grace were a person, it would be Sharmin Ahmed.听She is a young woman of impeccable character, wholly spirited and intrinsically motivated to achieve beyond her own expectations.听Alongside her unmatched daily drive to be her very best self, she is an abundantly generous and kind spirit.听She's humble, and I've never seen her consider herself before others. In fact, she first considers how her actions will impact those around her.听I am grateful to have had the opportunity to be her high school counselor. I can't wait to see the change she will make in this world.听听
- Denese Scott, Sharmin鈥檚 high school counselor

Bowie High School 2023 salutatorian shares memories and advice /district-news/bowie-high-school-2023-salutatorian/ Fri, 02 Jun 2023 16:57:43 +0000 /?p=172321 salutatorian - Bowie High School 2023 Christine Vu

Bowie HS salutatorian Christine Vu

It鈥檚 graduation season and we are celebrating the Class of 2023 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools. Meet Bowie High School鈥檚 salutatorian Christine Vu.

NAME:听Christine Vu

SCHOOL: Bowie High School



What is your dream and how do you plan to make it come true after graduation?

My dream is to be able to provide and take care of my loved ones in the future. My parents, families and friends have been my supports since day one. I want to give back to them. I plan to make it come true by attending college and hopefully graduate school for optometry.

Who inspires you the most?

This sounds clich茅 but my parents inspire me the most knowing the hardships they go through, but they are still standing tall today. That inspires me to continue working hard.

What is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

Enjoy all four years of high school, even the good and bad. Before you know it, it will be over. Savor every minute and second of it.

What鈥檚 been your favorite high school memory?

It has to be going to Dallas and California for BPA (Business Professional of America) competitions. It鈥檚 a variety of subjects, including business, medical, finance. A lot of subjects you can compete in. It was fun to explore and discover new experiences with my friends. In a way it felt like a mini senior trip.

How do you plan to make an impact on society in the future?听

I plan to become an optometrist. Even though I won鈥檛 be saving people鈥檚 lives, even being able to help those people a little bit brings joy to my heart and hopefully everyone around me.

What her teacher said:

I had the pleasure of getting to know Christine when she was a freshman and again as a senior. As a freshman, she was quiet and reserved. Observing how she has opened up and changed into an exceptional person has been fulfilling. From recreating geometry lyrics to fit 鈥滻'll make a man out of you鈥 her freshman year to persevering through AP calculus her senior year. I've enjoyed getting the opportunity to see her grow.
Bowie- Ashley High, Christine鈥檚 Advanced Geometry and AP Calculus AB teacher

Arlington High School 2023 valedictorian shares memories and advice /district-news/arlington-high-2023-valedictorian/ Thu, 01 Jun 2023 14:46:23 +0000 /?p=172282 valedictorian - Arlington High Stasia Vaituulala

AHS valedictorian Stasia Vaituulala

It鈥檚 graduation season and we are celebrating the Class of 2023 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools. Meet Arlington High School valedictorian Stasia Vaituulala.

NAME:听Stasia Vaituulala

SCHOOL: Arlington High School


INTENDED MAJOR: Symbolic systems

What is your dream and how do you plan to make it come true after graduation?

My big dream is to be in a steady enough of a position to support my family.

Who inspires you the most?

My parents. They did everything they could to make my dream successful for me. They were there for all the late nights and the stress. It鈥檚 what inspires me to do what I鈥檝e done so far.

What is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

I have two. Come in with some goals set for yourself. The way to make that goal happen is to surround yourself with like-minded people who will inspire you. Find people who inspire you and stick with them.

What鈥檚 been your favorite high school memory?

It was senior teach day. One of my best friends, Jack Kozack, and I were shadowing our principal Stacie Humbles. We got to announce our top two percent students. I got to announce Jack as the salutatorian and Jack announced me as the valedictorian.

How do you plan to make an impact on society in the future?听

My overall goal is to go into neonatology. My real goal is to be a doctor in Tonga, which is where my family is from. The healthcare there is awful. I want to be able to give back to the place I raised my parents.

What her teacher said:

As an eighth grade teacher, I've had the privilege to witness the growth and transformation of this remarkable young woman. I am filled with immense pride and joy. Her journey has been a testament to her unwavering dedication, relentless pursuit of knowledge and the boundless potential that lies within her. May her accomplishments in academia and music serve as a beacon of inspiration to all, reminding us that with passion, grit and the right guidance, we can conquer any obstacle and achieve greatness.听
- Hector Santiago, Stasia鈥檚 eighth grade history teacher

Arlington High School 2023 salutatorian shares memories and advice /district-news/arlington-high-2023-salutatorian/ Thu, 01 Jun 2023 14:24:29 +0000 /?p=172273 Salutatorian - Arlington High 2023 - Jack Kozack

AHS salutatorian Jack Kozack

It鈥檚 graduation season and we are celebrating the Class of 2023 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools. Meet Arlington High School鈥檚 salutatorian Jack Kozack.

NAME:听Jack Kozack

SCHOOL: Arlington High School



What is your dream and how do you plan to make it come true after graduation?

My goals in life are, in going to the University of Texas at Austin next year, I want to be involved in student organizations centered around government and politics. My goals are to obtain an education to successfully develop my skills in the government area. I want to go to school and after that enter the world of politics. I want to be an advocate and be the voice of young people. I want to amplify the voice of Gen Z.

Who inspires you the most?

My dad inspires me the most. He鈥檚 technically my stepdad, but he鈥檚 my dad. He came into my life when I was about three and he changed my perspective on how to treat people with kindness. He is the most caring and loving human I鈥檝e ever met, and I strive to be like him.

What is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

Have fun. I think there is an emphasis on when I started as a freshman you had to work hard in school and fun was second. Being involved in organizations at school will give you another perspective and let school be enjoyable and not just rigorous and academic.

What鈥檚 been your favorite high school memory?

My favorite memory was probably last weekend at prom. Prom this year was special because I got to be with my friends. I have a big friend group, and we鈥檙e rarely all together. We were all there and taking pictures and danced and danced until the last song. Our after-prom was the best ever. My mom ran it. It was fantastic.

How do you plan to make an impact on society in the future?听

A gift I have been given, I鈥檓 always very positive and I smile a lot. I think just looking at the next four years and not looking after, I have a role to spread positivity to others especially as I go into harder classes in a new atmosphere. I think I will develop a welcoming and loving atmosphere at the university.

What his teacher said:

I knew the moment I met Jack that he was destined for great things. Jack motivated his peers to be their best.听Jack was the kind of student that I looked forward to seeing every day.听He was the kind of student that made my job so enjoyable. Jack has been a bright spot in my life.听He continues to visit, keeps me updated on what's going on in his life, and he has spent time helping my own children.听I hope that one day my own children have the passion, the motivation and the dedication that Jack has.听听
- Katy Wells, Jackson鈥檚 seventh and eighth grade speech teacher

Arlington Collegiate High School 2023 valedictorian shares memories and advice /district-news/arlington-collegiate-2023-valedictorian/ Wed, 31 May 2023 14:46:38 +0000 /?p=172134 valedictorian - ACHS's Yessenia Martin

ACHS valedictorian Yessenia Martin

It鈥檚 graduation season and we are celebrating the Class of 2023 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools. Meet Arlington Collegiate High School鈥檚 valedictorian Yessenia Martin.

NAME:听Yessenia Martin

SCHOOL: Arlington Collegiate High School


INTENDED MAJOR:听Computer Science

What is your dream and how do you plan to make it come true after graduation?

My dream is to start my own non-profit to help women learn how to program in other countries. inspired me to start my own non-profit and give back to the community and pursue the STEM field.

Who inspires you the most?

My dad inspires me the most. He came to a country where he didn鈥檛 know anyone and didn鈥檛 know anything and built up from there. He works from sunrise to sunset to provide for his family. All the sacrifices he鈥檚 done for me, that鈥檚 why I always had high expectations for myself so I can make him proud. He hasn鈥檛 been able to see his family for more than 20 years.

What is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

I would tell them to be involved, not only in the school but in the community. I used to be shy and really reserved. Once I got out of my comfort zone, it got me to look forward to coming to school. It also improved my communication skills. It made me more extroverted. Being involved looks good and also helps you grow as a person.

What鈥檚 been your favorite high school memory?

When we did senor sunrise. Although we didn鈥檛 get to see the sunrise, we still had fun. We took a walk in the park as a group, and it was a good bonding moment to start the senior year.

How do you plan to make an impact on society in the future?听

I plan to make an impact by helping minorities and letting them know they can get to higher education and join the STEM field, especially women. There aren鈥檛 a lot of women pursuing engineering and computer science. I want women to do that, especially in developing countries. There women have little to no power. Getting the opportunity to program opens many opportunities, not only in the jobs but in a broader way.

What her teacher said:

鈥淵essenia's drive, passion and determination is admirable. She has a spirit that will bring positivity to any room she enters. I believe she will continue to have this impact with those she encounters as she takes on this next chapter of her life. Yessenia is the epitome of the saying, 鈥楽trive for greatness鈥 and 鈥榃alk in excellence.鈥 I am blessed to have had the privilege of knowing this amazing young woman.
- Tiffany Seaberry, Yessenia鈥檚 eighth grade Algebra I teacher at Carter Junior High

Arlington Collegiate High School 2023 salutatorian shares memories and advice /district-news/arlington-collegiate-2023-salutatorian/ Wed, 31 May 2023 13:59:45 +0000 /?p=172127 salutatorian - ACHS Maria Ortega

ACHS salutatorian Maria Ortega

It鈥檚 graduation season and we are celebrating the Class of 2023 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools. Meet Arlington Collegiate High School鈥檚 salutatorian Maria Ortega.

NAME:听Maria Ortega

SCHOOL: Arlington Collegiate High School



What is your dream and how do you plan to make it come true after graduation?

My biggest dream would be, because I鈥檓 planning to major in psychology, to be a therapist or counselor. I want to be there for people to speak out about mental health issues. I want younger generations to be able to have a steady foundation and move forward on their life paths and feel like they can do what they want to do.

Who inspires you the most?

My mom and dad. They have sacrificed so much for me. My dad works in construction day and night. My mom is always there and is an amazing support system who takes care of my sisters and me. They show me despite many obstacles in life, one can accomplish many great things if they have the right support system. I know I can do amazing things.

What is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

To embrace the uncertainty. Coming in as a freshman is really scary. It鈥檚 the start of a new adventure. There are always going to be new opportunities like community service or a school event. It鈥檚 good to not be scared. Take the leap forward. It鈥檚 going to lead to meeting new people and expanding as a person.

What鈥檚 been your favorite high school memory?

At ACHS we had our spring carnival that was hosted by student council and the National Honor Society. It was nice to be able to interact with little kids. We had pie-a-senior. It was fun to raise money and go to the big event for the last time.

How do you plan to make an impact on society in the future?听

I would like to and plan to strive to be open-minded to where anyone can feel comfortable to come to me. I want people to be comfortable enough to come to me with their struggles. I want to help, even in a tiny way, have a positive impact on their lives that will have a positive impact on their future.

What her teacher said:

Maria is thoughtful, kind and empathetic. She genuinely cares about others and desires to lift them up. I taught her in seventh grade Texas history and distinctly remember her checking in with her table group to make sure they understood the assignment and had no misconceptions. Maria is also a natural leader. Her leadership style is atypical, however. Where others feel the need to lead from the front, Maria tends to stay in the background quietly encouraging her team to succeed and offering suggestions and critiques. In eighth grade, I was her student council sponsor and saw her leadership qualities daily. Maria was our video editor for the school announcements. She would coordinate with our members and officers to get them where they needed to be so she could edit the videos and prepare them for the next day. When they would get off-track, Maria would bring them all back together and everyone listened. It was a joy to watch! It's funny because Maria does not want to be in the spotlight, yet everything she does is seen by many. Maria is a light that keeps shining. The best thing about light is you cannot keep it hidden; you will eventually see it. I am so happy that I got to be Maria's teacher. I am so proud of the leader she has become. It has been an honor to know her. I look forward to seeing what her future has in store.鈥
- Daniel Simpson, Maria鈥檚 seventh grade Texas history teacher and student council sponsor

Arlington College and Career High School 2023 valedictorian shares memories and advice /district-news/acchs-valedictorian-shares-memories/ Tue, 30 May 2023 18:00:34 +0000 /?p=172108 Valedictorian for ACCHS Larissa Jimenez

ACCHS Valedictorian Larissa Jimenez

It鈥檚 graduation season and we are celebrating the Class of 2023 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools. Meet Arlington College and Career High School鈥檚 2023 valedictorian Larissa Jimenez.

NAME:听Larissa Jimenez

SCHOOL: Arlington College and Career High School


INTENDED MAJOR:听Medical laboratory science

What is your dream and how do you plan to make it come true after graduation?

For now, I really want to work in a lab and help however I can. I鈥檝e taken college classes at TCC, and I鈥檝e worked in the labs there in my classes. That鈥檚 where I figured out that鈥檚 the type of work I want to do in the future.

Who inspires you the most?

My Path teacher Ms. [Constance] Cooper. She鈥檚 who I brought for the STAR [for top 2% of graduating seniors] awards. She鈥檚 been with us for four years now, and we were in the inaugural class. Just the way she鈥檚 handled the first of everything, she鈥檚 been amazing. I don鈥檛 know how she does it. She鈥檚 always on top of things, always prepared and always problem solves on the go. I really admire her.

What is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

Try to meet as many people as you can. Try to make as many friends as you can and just don鈥檛 be too scared to try new things. If you want to join a new club, meet new people, go for it even if your friends are too shy to go with you to the clubs, you should go and try new things.

What鈥檚 been your favorite high school memory?

It was senior sunset. It was a conclusion to our high school experience and just seeing everyone there was crazy. I was reminiscing on how much everyone has grown. It was really fun.

How do you plan to make an impact on society in the future?听

In any real small or big way I can, I want to work in a lab somewhere. If I can help people with diagnoses and things that affect their health, that would be enough for me.

What her teacher said:

Larissa Jimenez has shown persistence, dedication and grit throughout her high school career. Larissa dreams of pursuing an exciting career in scientific research after she earns her bachelor鈥檚 degree in neuroscience or biochemistry. She has always had a passion for math and science but also enjoys playing the violin or guitar in her free time. She values having many interests, including volunteering and supporting her many communities to promote awareness.
- Constance Cooper, Larissa鈥檚 Path teacher

Arlington College and Career High School 2023 salutatorian shares memories and advice /district-news/acchs-salutatorian-shares-memories/ Tue, 30 May 2023 16:20:24 +0000 /?p=172079 salutatorian - ACCHS - Okikiola Joseph Alokan

ACCHS Salutatorian Okikiola Joseph Alokan

It鈥檚 graduation season and we are celebrating the Class of 2023 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools. First up is Arlington College and Career High School's salutatorian Okikiola Joseph Alokan.

NAME: Okikiola Joseph Alokan

SCHOOL: Arlington College and Career High School


INTENDED MAJOR: Computer engineering

What is your dream and how do you plan to make it come true after graduation?

My dream is to acquire my Ph.D. in computer engineering, be wealthy and achieve success in all my endeavors. I will make it come to pass with my determination, consistency and faith in God after graduation.

Who inspires you the most?

My parents inspire me the most as they are always there for me when I need them, and they encourage and support me regarding my academic and personal goals.

What is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

They should know that nothing good comes easy 鈥 so I would implore them to stay focused, open-minded, study the footsteps of their predecessors, imbibe their good deeds, learn from mistakes and avoid making the same. You got this!

What鈥檚 been your favorite high school memory?

My favorite high school memory was the trip I made to Texas State University. I was able to tour the environment, participate in extracurricular activities and overall enjoyed the experience.

How do you plan to make an impact on society in the future?听

By volunteering to make a change, giving back to the community and maintaining a positive attitude toward citizens.

What his teacher said:

Joseph is one of those rare students that teachers are gifted every once in a while to teach. He pushed me to be a better teacher. Joseph is typically described as being a quiet student, but in my class he found his voice and grew into the leader that we see today. I am so proud of him and the progress he has made in these two years that I have known him. I have no doubt that he will make a huge impact on society and continue to be a model example of hard work and dedication.
- Jennifer Meador, Okikiola's biology for science majors teacher in 11th grade

Two 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 seniors awarded Gates Scholarships /district-news/two-students-awarded-gates-scholarships/ Fri, 26 May 2023 13:39:24 +0000 /?p=172003 Gates Scholarship winners

Gates scholars started together at Berry Elementary

Yessenia Martin and Kruz Hernandez have set the bar high for early college graduates in the 色窝窝无码一区二区三区.

Not because they鈥檙e graduating from high school with their associate degrees. That鈥檚 now the norm at both Arlington Collegiate High School and Arlington College and Career High School.

No, both Martin and Hernandez have already set themselves up for success by each earning , which honors outstanding minority high school seniors to help them reach their maximum potential.

More than 51,000 students applied for the scholarship, which gives full rides to their university choice, and only 750 are selected. It鈥檚 an arduous process that includes an online application, essays, recommendations and then interviews before the scholarships are awarded.

It鈥檚 a huge accomplishment for Martin, who is the valedictorian at ACHS, and Hernandez, who is the student council president at ACCHS.

Both are first-generation college students whose families are from Mexico. Both started their elementary careers at Berry Elementary together and now both are headed to the University of Texas at Austin.

鈥淚t was very unexpected,鈥 said Martin, who plans to major in computer science at Texas. 鈥淚t was a really competitive scholarship. What are the odds of me getting it? It gives me the freedom to go to the school I desire vs. choosing based on money. UT-Austin was my first choice and when I heard I got the scholarship, I was going to UT-Austin.鈥

Martin was originally planning to go to the University of Texas at Dallas, where she had a full scholarship. But winning The Gates Scholarship opened the chance to go to Austin. It鈥檚 her dream school, and now it will be a reality.

While Martin is a first-gen college student, education is huge in her house. Both her older siblings have college degrees and she鈥檒l head to Texas with more than 70 college hours.

Martin credits her parents for the sacrifices they鈥檝e made for her so that he can focus on school. She set high expectations for herself because of their work ethic. That won鈥檛 change when she gets to Texas either. She already has plans to get her master鈥檚 degree, and her goal is to help underserved students in the STEM field.

Like Martin, UT was more of a dream than the future for Hernandez.

He had a scholarship offer from Texas Wesleyan University and was also considering enlisting in the Air Force.

That all changed on April 20 at 7 p.m., which is when Gates recipients were notified of their scholarship status.

鈥淚 was waiting on that announcement for a while,鈥 said Hernandez, who is part of the first senior class at ACCHS. 鈥淚 had the time written down everywhere. I sat at the computer from 6 to 7 refreshing my browser and waiting for that email. It came out maybe three minutes after 7. That was a gut-wrenching three minutes. I was thinking that maybe they sent it to the winners and the ones who didn鈥檛 get it after. Then it came through.鈥

Now Hernandez has a plan to major in neuroscience and either go to medical school or follow a research path.

He鈥檒l do that as the first person in his family to go to college.

鈥淢y father was born in Mexico and moved over here when he was really young,鈥 Hernandez said. 鈥淚t feels surreal, especially for Hispanic families like us. There are only a few pathways we normally take. I work with my father. We鈥檙e painters and do construction. To be the first in my family is a big deal. It鈥檚 going to change all of our lives.鈥

Arlington Collegiate High School principal Dr. Ben Bholan thinks Hernandez can set an example for students who follow him.

鈥淚t鈥檚 huge because once you have a student like that you can point to something that鈥檚 tangible,鈥 Bholan said. 鈥淭hey can come back and talk to others about it. It can be motivating to others to see the growth of that student. It鈥檚 motivating for the students and the staff also.鈥

Ten seniors earn scholarships from the Greater Arlington Chamber of Commerce /student-news/chamber-awards-ten-scholarships/ Thu, 25 May 2023 15:35:08 +0000 /?p=171983 chamber awards scholarships

Greater Arlington Chamber Scholarship Program

Seniors from six 色窝窝无码一区二区三区 high schools were awarded scholarships ranging from $2,000 to $5,000 thanks to the Greater Arlington Chamber of Commerce and the Pettinger Foundation.

Student receives award

The Greater Arlington Chamber Scholarship Program (GACSP) awards graduating seniors a scholarship of up to $2,500 to be used at any college or university of their choice, and the Innovation Scholarship (ISP), sponsored by the Pettinger Foundation, awards $5,000 to two seniors who are looking to pursue a four-year degree in science, engineering or mathematics at The University of Texas at Arlington.

Presenting both scholarships is an honor that Alicia Collins-Butler, the Chamber鈥檚 director of education, workforce and community development, is proud to be a part of.

鈥淭he Greater Arlington Chamber knows that one of the best ways to develop a strong business community and the economy is to invest in the future workforce of greater Arlington,鈥 Collins-Butler said. 鈥淧roviding the youth with several scholarship opportunities is a way to help them engage in a higher education and open doors that were possibly closed before. Through our fantastic partnerships, we provide four scholarship programs that are targeted at bettering our future leaders.鈥

Arlington High School senior Jonathan Torres felt honored that the Chamber selected him as one of this year's recipients and looks forward to using the scholarship toward his first semester of college.

鈥淚 am so grateful to receive the Greater Arlington Chamber Scholarship," he said. 鈥淭he scholarship will help with textbooks and school supplies, so I鈥檓 really grateful I was selected.鈥

Arlington High counselor Leila Perez spearheaded the senior ceremony for Arlington High graduates and was ecstatic for every recipient honored.

鈥淚t is a joy to watch these seniors celebrate their achievements with their families!鈥 she said. 鈥淓ach award is a culmination of the students' daily hard work, sacrifice and perseverance.鈥

This year鈥檚 Chamber scholarship winners include:

Arlington Collegiate High School

  • Luis Fernando Compean 鈥 ISP - $5,000
  • Maria Ortega 鈥 GACCSP - $2,500

Arlington High School

  • Grace Ressl 鈥 GACCSP - $2,500
  • Jonathan Torres 鈥 GACCSP - $2,000

Bowie High School

  • Kevin Vazquez 鈥 ISP - $5,000
  • Joanna Trinh 鈥 GACCSP - $2,500

Lamar High School

  • Emily Buechele 鈥 GACCSP - $2,500
  • Joanna Arellano 鈥 GACCSP - $2,000

Martin High School

  • Nicole Guarderas 鈥 GACCSP - $2,500

Sam Houston High School

  • Cinthya Zavala 鈥 GACCSP - $2,500

Scholarship Tips

Sophomores and juniors interested in earning scholarships like the Greater Arlington Chamber of Commerce scholarship and Innovation Scholarships can start by making a list of their academic, extracurricular, volunteer and work accomplishments as references to build their applications.

They should also take advanced classes, develop good relationships with their teachers and take advantage of leadership opportunities during the school year and summer months.

Learn more about the scholarships provided by the Greater Arlington Chamber of Commerce at .

14-year-old senior set to graduate from Martin High School /district-news/14-year-old-senior-to-graduate-martin/ Tue, 09 May 2023 20:02:30 +0000 /?p=171593 Oforitsenere with mother and teacher Gerri Brown

Martin senior started high school at age 10

Oforitsenere Bodunrin was only 10 when she started her freshman year at Martin High School, but that didn鈥檛 stop her from making the most of her time and excelling as a high schooler.

Now, at only 14, she鈥檚 about to graduate.

senior Oforitsenere Bodunrin鈥淚t feels good to be graduating with the class of 2023," Bodunrin said. 鈥淚t鈥檚 interesting to be in this position because sometimes I compare myself to my peers who are older but then I think about it and realize graduating at 14 is a huge accomplishment.鈥

Bodunrin packed a lot into her four years at Martin. She served as president of Key Club and she was an editor for Martin Student News, a historian for the Black Student Union (BSU), a Future Business Leaders of America state finalist, president of the Filmmaker's Society and historian for the National Art Honors Society.

After graduation, Bodunrin plans to attend the to study computer science and aviation. She credits her interest in aviation to a seminar she attended her freshman year and her older sister, Fifehanmi Bodunrin. Fifehanmi also graduated from Martin at 14 years old and is currently a student at LeTourneau University studying to become a pilot.

Oforitsenere鈥檚 mother and father have been instrumental in the success of both of their daughters and passed on their spirit of resiliency and dedication.

senior Oforitsenere Bodunrin with her mother in Martin library鈥淥foritsenere getting out of school so early is a huge accomplishment,鈥 said Bawo Bodurin, Oforitsenere's mother. 鈥淚 am incredibly grateful for schools like Martin in 色窝窝无码一区二区三区."

Despite her success, it wasn鈥檛 easy for Bodunrin when she first started at Martin. It was a struggle for her to come out of her shell as a 10-year-old. But her AP human geography and African American studies teacher, Gerri Brown, offered guidance and support that helped her on her journey.

鈥淥foritsenere is an outstanding student, she did everything she needed to do to ensure she was successful,鈥 Brown said. 鈥淪he always participated in class even though she was so young, and I adored that. I am so remarkably proud of Oforitsenere. She has been fun, sweet and studious as a student and leader, and I can鈥檛 wait to see what she will do. I know she will save the world.鈥

To learn more about the 2023 graduations, visit our graduation page at

Ten Sam Houston High School seniors named TCU Community Scholars /district-news/ten-tcu-community-scholars-named/ Mon, 08 May 2023 17:32:56 +0000 /?p=171558 top 10 stories from 2023 - TCU Community Scholars 2023

12 students heading to TCU on full rides

Sam Houston High School might want to consider relocating its campus to Fort Worth.听听听听

The way the school keeps sending students to Texas Christian University, it makes sense.

Ten Sam Houston students were selected as recently, meaning they鈥檙e going to be Horned Frogs for the next four years on scholarships valued at more than $280,000 each.

If that wasn鈥檛 enough, three other Texans who applied for the Community Scholars scholarship earned scholarships at TCU that will allow them to attend the school debt free.

鈥淚鈥檝e wanted this since my freshman year,鈥 said Adrian Correa, who plans to focus on criminal justice at TCU. 鈥淭hat鈥檚 a big thing at Sam Houston, you know about this big scholarship that you can get. For me, this was a big relief for my parents. To be able to go to school on a scholarship like this is pretty amazing.鈥

[iframe src="" width="560" height="314" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" title="Sam Houston High Students Are Going to TCU!" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowFullScreen="true"]


The path to the scholarship for Eddy Trejo was like Correa鈥檚.

鈥淚 remember writing it down my freshman year that I wanted to be a TCU Community Scholar,鈥 Trejo said. 鈥淚鈥檝e been hearing about this scholarship since I was in eighth grade. I knew that if I put in the work through the years, it would pay off and I鈥檇 have a good chance at getting the scholarship.鈥

Both Trejo and Correa play baseball at Sam Houston and got the email notification while they were at a game. They decided to open the email after the game with their teammates. While the Texans didn鈥檛 win the baseball game, it really didn鈥檛 matter at that point.

鈥淲e got the big W at the end of the game,鈥 Correa said.

The stories for the other recipients are similar.

Each year, TCU awards 50 scholarships to students at Title I schools in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex as a part of the program. Last year Sam Houston had eight recipients. Sam Houston is one of 13 Metroplex schools that are in the program. The application process starts in September and includes three interviews for each student.

鈥淚t further enhances our culture as a college-going campus and having that emphasis on post-secondary education,鈥 said Sam Houston counselor Cynthia Carter, who spearheads the program. 鈥淥ur students ask about it. They know about it. We鈥檙e excited about it. We have kids who are constantly going through and constantly exceeding our expectations.鈥

Before the COVID pandemic, the TCU Scholars at Sam Houston found out they were recipients in a surprise ceremony at the school. The pandemic has changed that, and now the students find out through their portal. That doesn鈥檛 mean there鈥檚 still not an element of surprise.

This year the students found out on a Friday, the day before April Fool鈥檚 Day. That allowed one of the recipients 鈥 Leela Makor 鈥 to play a trick on Carter. While Carter saw that Makor received the scholarship, Makor said that wasn鈥檛 the case. That had Carter confused and ready to call TCU before Makor told her the truth.

Makor and Dilan Romero also pulled similar pranks on their parents by telling them they didn鈥檛 get the scholarship before letting them know.

Regardless of how the students found out or who they pranked, it鈥檚 a huge honor for all of them.

鈥淚t really feels surreal,鈥 said Moti Okunrotifa. 鈥淚鈥檓 proud of myself. We鈥檙e going to make changes and go out in the world and do good things. It鈥檚 a huge thing. I鈥檓 proud of myself.鈥

She鈥檚 not alone.

鈥淚 could not be prouder of these guys,鈥 Sam Houston principal Juan Villarreal said. 鈥淭hey鈥檝e had a lot of challenges these four years not having the traditional school. I know their perseverance, and everything they had to do prepared them well to be very successful.鈥

Carter and the rest of the counseling team weren鈥檛 done after the nine scholars were announced. They went to work securing scholarships for three other students to make sure they could also go to TCU. That mission was also accomplished.

Way to go Texans! Congratulations to the ten TCU Community Scholars:

Adrian Correa

Zuhal Jafari

Leela Makor

Angela Manu

Winfridah Machogu

Lucia Martinez

Bryan Molina

Moti Okunrotifa

Dilan Romero

Eddy Trejo

Also attending TCU debt free:

Ana Gutierrez

Geof Paday
