Cell Phones/Technology

The Dan Dipert Career + Technical Center & the Agricultural Science Center wants to establish a Business/College Culture.Ìý With that being said, there will be opportunities for students to use their technology freely in all common areas, collaboration areas, bistro and hallways.Ìý Students must wear earbuds/headphones while using their technology.Ìý If students take personal calls while in common areas, collaboration areas, the bistro and hallways, they will be expected to use an appropriate voice level so that their conversation does not disturb others around them.

Teachers will be expected to develop and enforce a cell phone/technology usage expectation in their classroom.Ìý The teacher needs to make sure that the expectations are clearly outlined and that all students are aware of what is and is not appropriate use of cell phones/technology in their classroom.

The CTC & ASC will have a different cell phone policy from the other traditional high schools.Ìý In trying to prepare our students to be business and/or college ready, we WILL NOT take up cell phones, turn them into the office and charge the $15.00 fine.Ìý However, we will address the failure of students to meet our expectations in proper usage of cell phones/technology in the following way:

  1. The first time a student does not meet your expectations for appropriate cell phone/technology usage in your classroom, you will take their phone for the remainder of the class period and then return it to the student at the end of class.ÌýÌý The teacher is expected to document this action and discuss/review the expectations for that class with the student.
  2. The second time a student does not meet your expectations for appropriate cell phone/technology usage in your classroom, you will take their phone up for the remainder of the class period and then return it to the student at the end of class. The teacher is expected to document this action and contact the students parent.Ìý The teacher will also contact the CTC assistant principal of the second violation.Ìý The assistant principal will meet with the student and discuss the issue of not meeting expectations.
  3. The third time a student does not meet your expectations for appropriate cell phone/technology usage in your classroom, you will take their phone up for the remainder of the class period and then return it to the student at the end of class. The classroom teacher will write a discipline referral in teams for Non-Compliance detailing the 3rd time the student has violated the classroom cell phone/technology expectations.Ìý The CTC and home campus assistant principals will assign appropriate Group 1 Corrective actions.Ìý The assistant principals will contact the parents.
  4. The fourth time a student does not meet your expectations for appropriate cell phone/technology usage in your classroom, you will take their phone up for the remainder of the class period and then return it to the student at the end of class. The classroom teacher will write a discipline referral in teams for Non-Compliance detailing the 4th time the student has violated the classroom cell phone/technology expectations.Ìý The CTC and home campus assistant principal will assign appropriate Group 2 Corrective actions.Ìý The assistant principals will contact the parents.
  5. If this behavior continues and the previous efforts have shown no change in the students’ behavior, the teacher will continue to write referrals for the student in TEAMS for every cell phone/technology violation that occurs. The CTC and home campus assistant principal will discuss the appropriate corrective actions to assign ranging from losing the privilege of using cell phones/technology at the CTC, continued assignments in ISS/Choices, to any other corrective action deemed appropriate by campus administration and approved by the Office of Student Behavioral Support Systems.

If at any time during this process a student refuses to comply with an adult’s directive to do something with their cell phone/technology, the CTC assistant principal needs to be contacted immediately and the student sent directly to the office.Ìý The directives from adults include, but are not limited to asking students to put their device away in class, hand it over to the teacher/adult in the classroom, using their earbuds/head phones in common areas and hallways, and using appropriate voice level during conversations.Ìý Once a student refuses the directive of an adult concerning cell phone/technology usage, it is no longer a cell phone/technology issue.Ìý It has become a non-compliance issue and a referral needs to be written immediately.Ìý