Our Vision:

Produce citizens who are positive influences on our community.

Motto: Cross the line
Mascot: The Volunteer
Colors: Blue, Orange, and White

Fight Song

Fight on, you Volunteers!
Go, Bowie High School!
Fight bravely onward
And you鈥檒l win fame and glory!
For the orange, blue and white we cheer.
Fight on to victory!
Number one we鈥檒l always be . . . the Volunteers!

Our Mission:

Nurture and empower our students through relevant learning.

Alma Mater

We sing of James Bowie High School
And of blue, orange, and white.
May we who claim her colors
Be Volunteers for right.

To her we pledge our devotion
And praise her name to the sky.
With excellence we will bring honor
To our school James Bowie High!