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Dr. Steven Wurtz

Best Practices = Best Outcomes聽

May 3, 2022
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What is a best practice? In education we often see this term thrown around, sometimes incorrectly. Practitioners in fields all over the world will use this phrase to express a heightened level of importance to specific actions or behaviors. But what are best practices exactly? Best practices are defined as procedures demonstrated by research and…

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Push for the Homestretch

April 4, 2022
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Spring break is a wonderful time to take a deep breath and reconnect with ourselves and those we love. Many of us take the opportunity to rest and engage in hobbies that we often have to put aside in the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life. I hope that you were able to enjoy your…

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New Habits on Calendar

We are what we do

March 1, 2022
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In 色窝窝无码一区二区三区, we have a cultural tenet that we believe and try to embody – Get Better Every Day. Have you ever stopped and asked yourself what it means to get better every day? What behaviors do we have to engage in daily to make that happen? What do we do when we hit…

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Woman with Illustration of Brain over her head

It鈥檚 Time We Think Again

February 1, 2022
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I recently started reading a book called Think Again authored by Adam Grant, an organizational psychologist at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. In the text, he focuses on the value of approaching life and situations with a scientific mindset, open to the possibility (and high probability) that you could be wrong and/or…

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Woman giving child present

The Gift of Differentiation

December 25, 2021
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Differentiation. It鈥檚 a word that is commonly used throughout the education community. It is also a word that is routinely misused. Most individuals using this term do so to describe their effort to provide a variety of entry points to children in the learning process. We often hear of differentiation of content (what is taught),…

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Pins on a Map

Do We Really Need to Assess?

November 25, 2021
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Boy, if there was ever a bad word in education, assessment has become that word. Politicized across various platforms, families have rightfully been frustrated with the volume of time their children are engaged in taking assessments all in the name of accountability. School has turned into more than a place where our children go to…

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Coaching for Maximum Growth!

October 25, 2021
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Coaching can initially be an intimidating process. It calls for our vulnerability and trust. We are invited to openly share our goals and to collaboratively work with a thought partner to identify the steps we plan to take to reach them. There is an increased amount of personal accountability. Each time we meet with our…

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Now is the time!

September 25, 2021
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It has been said that to become an expert, a person must practice their craft for approximately 10,000 hours. While some may learn a bit faster and some may take a bit longer, this number seems to be the average and equated to about 90 minutes a day for 20 years. Consider how routine this…

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Thank You

Thanks for all your hard work

August 25, 2021
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What a year this has been! We have all been challenged in ways we could have never anticipated. We have had to stretch ourselves and refine our craft with such urgency that the pace at times felt daunting. We have worked to support students and their families as they navigated family hardships all while trying…

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Runners on track running towards finish line

Crossing the Finish Line

July 25, 2021
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Several years ago, I had the opportunity to train for a half marathon. The idea of running 13.1 miles straight was a bit daunting to imagine. I had never run long distances in the past and the longest distance I could remember running was in the eighth grade for PE and that was just a…

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